My epic quest for a soda (in Off-topic)

Dudster4 September 24 2006 3:37 AM EDT

Well it all started when i tried to sell my elb for 35 usd or 3.5m after about an hour i was getting desperate and dropped the price to a drastic 25 usd or 2.5m. after another hour of dispair i decided to drop it to 20 usd, after half an hour of that i just asked someone randomly and they accepted to buy it woohoo a reason to take my car out and my epic quest seemed to be coming to an end. i got the money in the paypal account woke up my sister (because i'm not very good at using the stupid cards) and we were off to wal-mart. me not having my license took the back road as i always do i was decently happy my car was going to get gas in it and i was gonna get my fix for Mt. Dew.
Well first off the car was not doing good on gas i knew it would make it there but i wasn't sure how much farther it would have gone, so once again i prevailed we went in wal-mart got the soda range it up and got a 10 dollar gas card yippee. so now i go out to there pumps it is after it closes but i have pumped gas there before late night and it worked so i pulled up, demanded my idiot sister make herself useful and go pump, so she got out put the card in etc... started pumping and it started going 1 penny a friggin second, me figuring she did something wrong we went to a different pump.
Pulling up to the next pump the same thing happened so i continued trying to jiggle the nozzle around etc... well i figured ok let's try another pump, put the card in *card already in use* [Admin Edit:50k fine for PG] i thought to myself so we kept trying and continued getting the same msg so i thought maybe we should go over and sit in the parking lot and try again in a few minuted. I kept thinking to myself i knew something had to finally go wrong in my illegal going's to wal-mart. Ok back on track after i went and sat in the parking lot i got to finally take a swig of my soda after, i was all fine and good with a little fix of it from that, i went over to the pump to try again i put the card in and this time it wouldn't even pump so after trying it a few times got the card in use error, well now i am on a short fuse i went in wal-mart and the lady told me the pumps were disabled after midnight.
So after talking to her she said she couldn't give me the money off the card so that i could to go into town and get gas which i am always a little worried about. Knowing there was probably not enough gas to get back home i decided to go into town and use the paypal card and get 5 dollars in gas or so. Know i am a little weary because there was a white van across the street at pudgies constantly circling, after getting into town and the pump n' pantry i got the 5 dollars in gas and decide to just go through town to get home instead of going back to the "backroads". i cut off through a little side street and then it came to me i had recently had a few dreams of going through town and then seeing police lights and getting caught in a DUI checkpoint and i was going the exact way towards where it occured.
So i decide to go anyway and i go past the college and as soon as i get arround the bend there are 2 or 3 police cars sitting in the karate parking lot but i had no idea what they were doing, I was thinking i didn't even have a license or even a permit from this state, so i was pretty much screwed if they pulled me over.
Luckily they didn't they just continued on with there conversation and i continued home, after pulling in the driveway i fell a sudden rush of victory as i got out of my car and walked in my house. i flipped on the tv and aliens was on so i decided why not just go tell my epic quest on cb, so here i am now telling you my story feel free to tell me your stories involving wal-mart and illegal activities because i am bored as hell lol.

PirateKing September 24 2006 3:59 AM EDT

The only stories I have of Wally-World are tales of woe. Mostly involving standing in a line about fifty yards long at the only open register in the store(out of an average of 40+ registers) and watching the rednecks and assorted other hicks ponder how much their boxes of Hamburger Helper are going to cost and whether or not it will interfere with their beer purchase.

AdminG Beee September 24 2006 7:05 AM EDT

If my kids or anyone I knew were ever knocked over and hurt by a driver who didn't have a license I think I'd probably end up doing time in jail.


Maelstrom September 24 2006 9:29 AM EDT

Yup, driving at night, knowing that you are a bad driver, and that you don't even have a license (how about insurance?) just sounds stupid to me. Especially when it's just for some pop.

And you have gas pumps at walmart?

Slashundhack [We Forge Our Own Stuff] September 24 2006 12:19 PM EDT

I hates the walmart type places.I hope you enjoy your life of crime and may a herd of church ladies spank you royal.

InebriatedArsonist September 24 2006 12:37 PM EDT

If you can't pass a driving test in the United States, you're one terrible driver and shouldn't be on the road. Seriously, what are you thinking?

PirateKing September 24 2006 12:44 PM EDT

"Seriously, what are you thinking?"

Dude... he needed his Dew! :P

Slashundhack [We Forge Our Own Stuff] September 24 2006 5:02 PM EDT

Ha! A 50K fine and getting flamed by all those guys tomorrow has GOT to be better.Good luck.

Dudster4 September 24 2006 7:31 PM EDT

Maelstrom: first of all i never said i was a bad driver, actually i think i am quite good.

nebriatedArsonist: i don't know where you read i never even took a drivers test, i just don't have a permit from the state i am currently living in.

And to everyone else flaming i think it's quite hipocritical you all think your high and mighty saying you have never once done anything illegal because prolly less than 1% of the total population in the world hasn't done something illegal.

Maelstrom September 24 2006 7:48 PM EDT

True, you didn't say you're a bad driver, just that you cannot drive legally, which in my mind is the same thing. And you really did dwell on the illegality of it all...

Where do you live? There's a difference between a license and a permit? A license from one state isn't valid in another?

Flamey September 25 2006 2:20 AM EDT

mael: America :) the states are counted as countries :P

bartjan September 25 2006 3:16 AM EDT

"illegal" is not the important point. The difference between "misdemeanor" and "felony" is. Driving without a valid license is a felony in the jurisdiction where I live in, and I would expect the same from any sane country.

Yes, almost everyone has done something illegal (misdemeanor) in the past. But only a very small amount of people have committed a felony.

AdminShade September 25 2006 4:06 AM EDT

Sigh, and all that for just a soda?

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] September 25 2006 5:52 AM EDT

I spend less time on the difference between misdemeanor and felony, and more time on "poses a danger to the general public" vs. "something the government would rather you not do".

We require a driver's license as some (albeit small) proof that you are not a total danger to the rest of us, when behind the wheel.

You want to do something illegal, on the "everybody does illegal stuff" excuse, try ... smuggling bottle rockets across a state line in your pockets or jaywalking or littering.

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] September 25 2006 6:30 AM EDT

The simple thing to do would be to get a permit, no?
If you're going to live somewhere where your licence doesn't work, do something about it or don't drive, I'd have the same point as G_Beee, if I had children.
Driving without legal permission is a highly irresponsible thing to do and it makes me wonder whether your responsible enough to own a car in the first place.
Be sensible when it comes to things which could affect the public, no matter how good a driver you think you are, one accident could become a tragedy for both yours and someone elses family.

QBOddBird September 25 2006 10:10 AM EDT

'And to everyone else flaming i think it's quite hipocritical you all think your high and mighty saying you have never once done anything illegal because prolly less than 1% of the total population in the world hasn't done something illegal.'

*raises hand*

Waited 'till the proper age to drink, drive, smoke. Never shoplifted. The list goes on. You can have plenty of fun (even in college!) without breaking any laws or doing anything STUPID like driving without a license.

BootyGod September 25 2006 10:13 AM EDT

Okay simply because the flaming is a *tad* harsh I would like to say something.
First of all I AM a child, and unless a driver doesn't slow down at yield points and never uses a turn signal, then I never really care what they are doing.

Second of all how many "children" are running around at midnight? Not like he was shooting by school zones like people in my area.

Thirdly: America is NOT sane. DUH. Don't be surprised if a blind 90 year old with only 3 fingers and no thumb on both hands can get a license here.

Lover I found it funny actually. Maybe a LITTLE foolhardy lol but still funny.

Oh and I do not believe driving without a permit is a felony.

OH and one more thing... uhhh... hehehe mountain dew fix... me has dat.

QBOddBird September 25 2006 10:18 AM EDT

'First of all I AM a child, and unless a driver doesn't slow down at yield points and never uses a turn signal, then I never really care what they are doing.'

That's because you expect them to drive safely.

'Second of all how many "children" are running around at midnight? Not like he was shooting by school zones like people in my area.'

Depends on where you live. In my area, at nighttime, there are usually fairly large groups of kids walking around talking and hanging out on the streets.

'Thirdly: America is NOT sane. DUH. Don't be surprised if a blind 90 year old with only 3 fingers and no thumb on both hands can get a license here.'

*I* would be surprised.

'Oh and I do not believe driving without a permit is a felony.'

Just because you don't believe it doesn't make it any less true.

BootyGod September 25 2006 10:27 AM EDT

Weird kind of felony considering I happen to know so many people who get caught without on and get in no trouble.

Expect them to drive safely? rofl. No, I don't. I just know that as long as they stay, roughly, inside the lines I can handle any other eccentricities.

Where your living is crazy then. Also depends on the kids. Anyone below 14 can handle themselves if there not running around in the middle of the street.

I not saying I like what he did, I just saying everyone needs to think realistically and stop thinking he evil/stupid just because hes eccentric.

Dudster4 September 25 2006 1:45 PM EDT

Mael: in the united states when you turn an age you get a "permit" which you use to drive with your parents or someone else of a legal age and at certain points of the day and i am told that permits are not "honored" in other states, such as i have an ohio permit because i got it when i was out with my dad, now i'm with my mom in pennsylvania, so my ohio permit is pretty much garbage to the cops around here. A license you can drive around whenever you want and such

AdminQBVerifex September 25 2006 3:30 PM EDT

All I can say is, don't screw up your life before you turn 18. Just because you CAN do stupid, UNWISE things and there is nobody there to tell you not to do them, doesn't mean you should do them.

My friend did that, and he regret it very much. He ended up having a huge black mark on his driving record for a while, having to pay a huge fine, and inturn was unable to drive for a good part of his "teenage" years simply because he chose to "driving without insurance" which is almost as bad as driving without a license in many cases because of the monetary damages that YOU yourself will have to pay off.

Dudster4 September 25 2006 3:37 PM EDT

well i will admit driving without insurance isn't good at all, but my car is insured, inspected, and legal, and yes i know of the consequences of driving without a license, but i am quite sure in the small town i am living in i will nevr get caught.

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] September 25 2006 3:53 PM EDT

I hope you do eventually get caught so that you can bring your sob story about having no money to pay the fine to the forum and see how much sympathy you get.
If you don't have the correct permit then stop being lazy and contact the proper authorities to mention your change of address and get the right one.
Is your sister legally able to supervise your driving or only your parent as if your sister isn't then that is 2 felonies!

Slashundhack [We Forge Our Own Stuff] September 25 2006 4:59 PM EDT

Sorry I wished the church ladies on you dude . I must of jinxed you all though this should teach you the first lesson in criminal pursuits:ie( it wasn't you it was the other guy.)

Dudster4 September 25 2006 9:19 PM EDT

Bart: Were I live its not a felony... Because in my state, which is stupid, lol, armed burglary is just one step down from murder. haha

"mael: America :) the states are counted as countries :P "

I'm sorry.. That is so stupid.. Just cause a state has the ability to pass its own laws, specific to itself, does not mean that they are regarded as countries.. LOL!
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