Which enchanter would be served better? (in General)

Silatt September 25 2006 2:20 PM EDT

I've got 3 minions which use either EO, ED, or a combination of the two. Well I'm wondering what minion I should put a corn on initially.

Wrack which has GA & AMF
Ruin my fireball mage, which only has AS
Serenity which has EC & VA

Having a tough time deciding which to put it on, because they all offer their unique bonuses, and I'm not sure which would benefit my strat the most.

bartjan September 25 2006 2:24 PM EDT

The one with the most XP invested into the enchantments.

Radiskulle September 25 2006 2:52 PM EDT

^^ Agree.

Flamey September 25 2006 5:20 PM EDT

what the wise one said :D

Silatt September 25 2006 5:25 PM EDT

Well, I'm pretty sure. Only problem is wrack and serenity train enchantments exactly the same 1/2 and 1/2 in EO and ED.

bartjan September 25 2006 5:37 PM EDT

Then the exact answer would depend on what type of opponents you face (and which of those are the most difficult to defeat). With a 4 minion team, GA is a very nice enchantment, and I found AMF to work better than EC (at least for me), so I would say Wrack.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] September 25 2006 5:51 PM EDT

since it costs nothing to swap armor between minions, i would suggest getting it, putting it on each and seeing which helps you more.

QBOddBird September 25 2006 5:52 PM EDT

I think dudey's suggestion is best.

QBRanger September 25 2006 5:54 PM EDT

Why not fight a hundred battles with it on each minion and see for yourself?
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