Matter of opinion: which looks best in your opinion? (in Off-topic)
September 25 2006 3:17 PM EDT
Which of below pictures would look best as a character picture?
this one?
or this one?
September 25 2006 3:26 PM EDT
I personally prefer the bottom one, it seems to center around the warrior, demon, or the thing it is trying to portray. With the size, the top one seems a bit distorted, and just doesn't pop out at you if you will.
September 25 2006 3:29 PM EDT
The top one is too small to see what it's supposed to be... there's lots of clouds or smoke, and some fire...
The bottom is a very handsome demon, so I vote for that one ;)
September 25 2006 3:36 PM EDT
I think the top one is a rendering of the battle between Fingolfin and Morgoth. That said, I like the bottom one better. It is easier on my old eyes. ;)
September 25 2006 3:50 PM EDT
Top one, just because there is more colors and much more going on than the bottom one.
September 25 2006 3:51 PM EDT
I like the top one. Battle scene, smoke and flame, mysterious evil dark figure....I see all pros and no cons!
That, and it is classic. ~_^
September 25 2006 4:06 PM EDT
Overall, I prefer the top one - excellent use of light/shadow interplay, unique perspective, well portrayed action...
But as a character portrait (which I assume is your motivation for asking), I prefer the bottom. It is a "portrait", after all.
September 25 2006 4:08 PM EDT
The bottom one is best for a character portrait
If it's for a tattoo, go with the bottom one! :)
September 25 2006 4:09 PM EDT
I've always liked that top picture, it's got more atmosphere, but I've got good eyes. The bottom one is good and easy to see what it is.
Dunno... :/
September 25 2006 4:13 PM EDT
Ooh, that would be a most rocking tattoo...
On my left bicep, opposite the angel already on my right one...
September 25 2006 4:31 PM EDT
The bottom. A very LoTResque kind of guy, looks completely satanic. Perfect!
Bottom one but tint it towards red so it looks more hellish.
September 25 2006 5:07 PM EDT
top one, now. you need to look at it into more detail for it to better, i was thinking the bottom one, but nope, TOP.
September 25 2006 5:54 PM EDT
I forgot to mention that it is indeed for my character picture...
So far:
Top: 4
Bottom: 7
I'd say the bottom one, partly because that top picture, while a good image, is way too dark.
September 26 2006 1:17 PM EDT
Hm....definitely the top one.
Can I vote twice? =D
I really like the bottom image, however I don't think it really speaks to the depth of your vote is for the Top!
September 26 2006 4:58 PM EDT
Top one, definitely. Way more mysterious ;)
September 26 2006 6:31 PM EDT
Top 1, although I might consider redrawing the swordman to look cooler. The way it's drawn the swordsman is facing us (unless he's left handed, can't see that well), and it doesn't make sense that he's facing towards us like he's scared of something while the giant monster is really behind him. And probably about to smash him too.
September 26 2006 6:33 PM EDT
yeah, top one is a cool picture, but the bottom one is better for a character portrait. otherwise it could be a portrait of your 2 minions, in which case they would be fighting each other >.<
September 26 2006 9:59 PM EDT
Photoshop the bottom one into the top as a demonic spectator.
Bottom one looks cooler. Skeletons > Phantoms
The bottom. I can't really make out the top one without squinting these old eyes ;|
September 27 2006 6:24 AM EDT
UncleKracker: the swordsman is indeed left handed.
Tyriel: That's a suit of armor, not a skeleton
Oh. Well, it looks like a skeleton to me. A weeeeeeird one. :)
October 4 2006 5:31 AM EDT
ok, I changed my user picture to the top one.
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