BA refresh rate bug? (in General)

Colonel Custard [The Knighthood] October 3 2006 5:05 PM EDT

At what point does the BA refresh rate change? I recently started an NCB character, and was getting 8 BA every 10 minutes, because of the PR of my previous main character. A few days ago, I retired my highest character, and my BA rate increased to 9 BA every 10 minutes. I figured that my second-highest character was also contributing to that, so I retired him as well last night. The second character I retired had around 180k PR, whereas my NCB character has less than 80k PR. I'm still only getting 9 BA every 10 minutes, though. I'm wondering why.

I figured that the refresh rate would probably change with the cache flush, and I retired my character at around 2:30 a.m. central time last night, which I believe is a half an hour before cache flush. It hasn't gone back up to 10, though. Is 80k PR already too high to get 10 BA every 10 minutes?

Another interesting thing I noticed is that if I fight a battle, then the next refresh I will get 10 BA. However, if I stay on without fighting for 10 more minutes, I will only get 9 BA the second time, and after that. I'm wondering why that is.

AdminShade October 3 2006 5:50 PM EDT

It's based on score iirc...

AdminShade October 3 2006 5:53 PM EDT

I was wrong, it's about Virtual Power Rating:

see wiki:

* When you are below about 2.5% of the top VPR, you gain 10 BA per 10 minutes.
* When you are between about 2.5% and about 15% of the top VPR, you gain 9 BA per 10 minutes.
* When you are between about 15% and 45% of the top VPR, you gain 8 BA per 10 minutes.
* When you are above 45% of the top VPR, you gain 7 BA per 10 minutes.
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