So, what's up with the $1 BIN Auction transfers from Jury to Flamey? (in Public Record)

Morthak October 5 2006 5:34 PM EDT

Just wondering since there were three in a row.....

QBsutekh137 October 5 2006 5:39 PM EDT

A way around transfer fees, perhaps? I thought there was some mechanism in place to prevent that?

AdminShade October 5 2006 5:40 PM EDT

Looking at all Jury's transfers it seems that he has sent various people items or cash. Several transfers to Flamey.

Also I see another player, Juzza, on the same IP address as Jury.

QBJohnnywas October 5 2006 6:06 PM EDT

From what I understand Jury was leaving, giving his items to people that had helped him. I think Flamey was his mentor when he started.

Maybe he didn't have enough cash to cover the transfers on his gifts?

QBsutekh137 October 5 2006 7:11 PM EDT

Ah, well that certainly doesn't sound like any sort of abuse then...

Miandrital October 5 2006 7:18 PM EDT

Surely flamey could have paid for the x-fer fee...

AdminShade October 5 2006 7:47 PM EDT

If that was the case, how come he was able to send me 2 familiars then?

Flamey October 6 2006 3:12 AM EDT

mian, i could of but, i was online (he lives in the next state, so its same time zone) and he had PM'ed me telling me to buy them. what JW said was true, he sent shade a tattoo for a contest prize i think.

AdminShade October 6 2006 3:55 AM EDT

he sent me 2. :)
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