CB Bidding during downtime (in General)

AdminNightStrike October 20 2006 4:57 PM EDT

I'm not going to argue about CB's bidding, or point out that it constantly bids when there's less than 15 minutes to go. What I do want to do is to point out that bidding when the server is unreachable is pointless. Can't it check to see if any users are logged in?

[Where Shirt]Freekie [Lower My Fees] October 20 2006 5:00 PM EDT

I was going to bring up the same point... a pair of AG's went to the bank for 600k because we couldn't bid... not good!!!

QBRanger October 20 2006 5:04 PM EDT

It is not pointless if your the one selling the item and no real bids occur before cb went down.

If the auction continues while cb is down, at least you will get fair value.

Of course, the right thing to do is suspend all auctions while cb is down.

Hyrule Castle [Defy] October 20 2006 5:07 PM EDT

"I was going to bring up the same point... a pair of AG's went to the bank for 600k because we couldn't bid... not good!!!"

what really stinks, is i was the current winning bid when the server went down, but CB bank outbid me :(

bartjan October 20 2006 5:09 PM EDT

How can the server tell if CB is down?

QBsutekh137 October 20 2006 5:15 PM EDT

bartjan, as NS said, check load or number of users. If number of battles over the past hour is zero (can be checked in the same code that runs the counter on main page, yes?), then suspend "user-based" activities until a battle turns the flag back off.

Problem is, suspending auctions is not at all straightforward. Right now, durations and time-remainings are simple timestamp comparisons to the current server time. Turning that into an ongoing "heartbeat" counter that accumulates to a set number of seconds would be quite the overhaul, not to mention a lot of database writes (unless I am missing a very obvious way around that).

Seems like a fair amount of work for something that we all wish just didn't happen in the first place. *smile*

Hyrule Castle [Defy] October 20 2006 5:17 PM EDT

yea, but this is the 2nd day in a row where the game has been down :( lets hope the server dont make a habit of it

[Where Shirt]Freekie [Lower My Fees] October 20 2006 5:21 PM EDT

thats what im meaning Hyrule... you got screwed out of a pair of AG's... or at least someone did... im sure someone like "me" wanted to bid on them

AdminNightStrike October 20 2006 5:59 PM EDT

"If the auction continues while cb is down, at least you will get fair value. "

No, you get a single bid increment more than the current bid. There is no way to say that that's near fair value.


You're right: just suspend the auctions. Perhaps it'd be easiest to just check once an hour if anyone's logged in, and if not, add an hour to all active auctions.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 20 2006 7:32 PM EDT

I lost an ex to this recently, and I certainly didn't get a fair price out of the deal (300k less than market value for a base ex)...I even attempted to get the ex back by sending the money and a note to Jon...he never responded.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 20 2006 7:37 PM EDT

for the lazy
less than half NW (~700k NW and the bid was 280k) on an item that should go for between 400k-600k at base
sadly "suck it up" is about the only response I saw from the folks in chat, and no
response from Jon (even after having sent the 280k back)...

AdminNightStrike October 23 2006 7:39 PM EDT

At least you got your 280k back.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 23 2006 7:44 PM EDT

I didn't...

AdminNightStrike October 23 2006 7:48 PM EDT

Oh.. I thought that's what you meant by "(even after having sent the 280k back)" In that case, that blows.
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