Chatmail Log (in General)

BootyGod October 21 2006 1:02 PM EDT

I know I can't be the only mentor with this happening, but I may be the only one it really annoys, but it would be very nice if there was a way to "hide" the messages forged for us by CB. Having to see (constantly) a list of CMs from CB to my mentee is frustrating and makes it much more difficult to view past CMs.

Obviously not a big deal, but if there is a way to get rid of of them (or hide them) in Community Chatmail log it would be very nice.

For the Improvement of Wolf:
Any comments?

AdminShade October 21 2006 1:18 PM EDT

A constant list? I think CB only forges 1 CM per mentee...

Miandrital October 21 2006 1:18 PM EDT

We may not need as verbose of a message, but we definetly need to know when we get a new mentee. How else do you propose we be notified?

BootyGod October 21 2006 1:19 PM EDT

I am talking in the actual log. PM and sense can do it. But a viable solution would me to give players a link on chatmail page to mentees and dates and characters. That way a mentor could more easily monitor prospective long term players AND stop our personal CM logs from being flooded with old messages.

BootyGod October 21 2006 1:25 PM EDT

Oh, sorry for double post but I forgot to address Shade.

What I meant by constant is that I almost always have on the list quite a collection of forged (server given) cms and that it makes it annoying in two ways. One: Finding current links of conversation. Two: It limits the extent to which I can go back and find past CMs.

AdminShade October 21 2006 1:27 PM EDT

Do those CMs get filtered when clicking on (view all non-system) ?

Otherwise, could we have a alphabetical filtering instead? (as in list by player name)

BootyGod October 21 2006 1:30 PM EDT

It is, but only on half.

On delivered to others is still shows those and sense they are technically from "me" I can't filter them. I not sure what you mean Shade, but anything to change that current system would be nice.

Despite it allowing people to filter non-system, I still feel that a change would be nice. If nothing else a way to get rid of all automated messages from mentors to mentees on Delivered to Others.
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