Wiki: Ice Familiar (in General)

AdminNightStrike October 27 2006 11:12 AM EDT

So I saw you guys editing the IF page, and I realized that it still says 20% HP. I verified many times over that the SF trains HP at 25%. Is the IF 20%, as well?

AdminShade October 27 2006 11:21 AM EDT

I think all 3 of the FF, IF and SF have 25% HP.

Flamey October 28 2006 12:14 AM EDT

you tested it, i didn't see the thread, you changed it, it probably does apply to the other ones.

though, I'd like to see the thread, and why it was wrong for so long at 20%, that 5% can make quite a difference at higher levels.

AdminNightStrike October 28 2006 12:52 PM EDT

You can search for the thread easily enough. To try it yourself, just reverse calculate your HP based on damage received and HP remaining. It'll be EXACTLY 25% for a SF. I have a few varying tattoo types if you want one to test.

AdminShade October 28 2006 12:55 PM EDT

there even is a more simple way, just fight somebody which doesn't get to attack your familiar (base minions) and substract your possible AS :)

QBOddBird October 28 2006 12:57 PM EDT

33% is the HP for the JKF, but I'll bet it's the only one that isn't 25%.

Flamey October 28 2006 8:58 PM EDT

exactly? i got 24.86%, i know its basically the same, but you emphasise on exactly.

i tested on a lesser SF, thats what i got, i attacked no one with GA and it didn't get hurt, subtracted the AS.

I've only got lessers, so I'll be testing a lesser IF and a lesser FF, shortly.

AdminNightStrike October 28 2006 9:02 PM EDT

That's odd. My calculations were exact. I only used real tattoos of level 1.2m+

Flamey October 28 2006 9:06 PM EDT

testing my lessers, i got :

24.81% with FF
and exactly 25% with an IF

the IF was base, so it had 5 HP, before AS.

Flamey October 28 2006 9:18 PM EDT

i tested with a base SF and got 25%

but with this FF lvl 270 i still get 24.81%

IF i still the same because i don't have one higher than base, and i don't have a base FF.

note: these are all lessers. should we just put 25% in the wiki?

OMG, SF and lvl aren't in the spell checker. :P

AdminNightStrike October 28 2006 9:39 PM EDT

I have a FF level 159k or so that you can test with.

Flamey October 28 2006 9:44 PM EDT

you can do it yourself, i asked because i didn't how you did it.

AdminShade October 29 2006 7:29 AM EST

Flamey: testing that base SF makes a small inaccuracy big...

AdminNightStrike October 29 2006 1:33 PM EST

I got 24.999% on the FF. The discrepancy comes because it would appear that internally, the game is using the old levels of ..20 and ..70. The HP came out to 39755 for a level 159,023 FF. If you multiply 39,755 by 4, you get 159,020.

AdminNightStrike October 30 2006 1:52 PM EST

I just verified on my S F again. Hitpoint calculation came out to 315,448, which times 4 is 1,261,792. My Max Tattoo is also 1,261,792, and my tattoo is over my max. Does that explain why I emphasized "exactly"?
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