Do You Believe In Ghosts?! (in Off-topic)
Very simple, OpVines and I are talking about ghosts, he believes them to be real, and I say that they are not. Let CB decide this once and for all... are ghosts real?
October 29 2006 2:43 AM EST
No, stupid, stupid. :)
October 29 2006 2:44 AM EST
i believe that ghosts don't exist but just the brain have electrical malfunctions causing yours eyes to see things that arent really there
according to me, thats 2 votes for no ghosts... and 0 for ghosts are real
October 29 2006 2:51 AM EST
There are no such things as ghosts. They are figments of the imagination. Anyone who believes in ghosts is crazy.
Now if you'll excuse me, Elvis and I are going sasquatch hunting. :P
October 29 2006 2:58 AM EST
Spirits are real. My house is haunted by spirits. Whisky, Gin, Vodka...
October 29 2006 3:02 AM EST
i'm coming to your house
October 29 2006 3:03 AM EST
ghosts are real. They're there and I have seen them doing stuffs. As much as you don't want to believe it but they are there.
October 29 2006 3:04 AM EST
The really interesting question is: "Do Ghosts Believe In You?"
October 29 2006 3:04 AM EST
I'd believe in ghosts, but I'm too scared of them.
October 29 2006 3:13 AM EST
One more vote for no ghost =).
October 29 2006 4:55 AM EST
sorry OpVines, no ghosts, we even stalked a haunted house once, scary eerie place, but no real ghost anyplace.
October 29 2006 5:09 AM EST
"There are no such things as ghosts. They are figments of the imagination. Anyone who believes in ghosts is crazy."
now, replace "ghosts" with "honest lawyers"
October 29 2006 5:11 AM EST
Or "Honest Politician". :P
AdminG Beee
October 29 2006 5:12 AM EST
I have friend who got really drunk a while back and went home with a Monster.
Does that count?
October 29 2006 5:14 AM EST
"I see dead people"
sorry G bee but ghosts only
New totals are now 6 no ghost believers and 2 ghost believers... if i counted leo as a believer
I don't see the point of you counting people. Since when did numbers equal facts? It could be 300 billion people who don't believe in ghosts versus 3 people that do and that hardly makes the majority right.
Unless you're into that mindset, which would mean if you lived in Germany in the World War II era you'd believe that the Holocaust was good. Was the Holocaust good? I don't know, Hyrule, why don't you go ask the people of that time? I'm sure they'd agree with it. I guess that makes them right?
And you should explain why you don't think they exist. Your intellectual depth of the argument peaked at "I've never seen them. No one of the other 4 people who are active in this channel has seen them, therefore, they must not exist."
October 29 2006 7:25 AM EST
Of course there are 'ghosts' but not the way people usually think.
There are far more things in existence than we can just see or hear.
Shade is right. I believe in germs.
October 29 2006 8:41 AM EST
I'm really going to go out on a limb here and proclaim that I believe that the other players in CB are real...
That kind of thinking will get you thrown in the loonie bin Johnny!
Are CBers real? It isn't just a dream?I can see my navel but do I just believe it to be real? No I couldn't dream up taxes or mirkens .Does that mean that ghosts ARE real? Hum I should take up drinking, pink ladies anyone??
October 29 2006 9:53 AM EST
You see pink ladies when you're drunk? I only ever see pink elephants...
My cat is sure ghosts are real. Me, I'll reserve judgement until I meet one.
Agnosticism FTW!
It's possible Ghosts can exists, it's possible they don't. Until one tells me in person, I'll sit on the fence. ;)
October 29 2006 1:44 PM EST
Man who sits on fence gets splinter in bottom.
I used to work in a photo studio that was in an old, haunted church building...
They used to chase me out if I worked too late at night :P
I believe in them only when i'm drunk. Then I believe in lots of things.
If Bast ever passes from this plane of existance, she is going to haunt some poor cb player by whispering the correct spelling for all words into his ear when he is typing a paper, using chat, and so forth.
She'll probably also giggle in his ear when he is in the shower, but that is a completely separate issue. :-)
It's not giggling, Thrak, it's a Dove recommendation. Clean out your ears.
put me down for a HELL YES i believe in ghosts. I just don't believe in teams bigger than two minions
ok op, about the 300 billion people believing in ghosts, only like 6.3 billion people in the world, unless u counting dead people now... which would mean im right, cause dead people can become "ghosts" so called... which means if dead people think theres no such thing as ghosts, and they are the only thing that can become ghosts i win again...
and for the record, the ... germany thing hallo cast... or whatever... (know what it is cant spell) im pretty sure more poeple in the world, thought that it was bad... (germany doesnt get a vote)
October 29 2006 6:32 PM EST
Why do ghosts wear clothes? Do the clothes die too?
That's a 'No' from me.
AdminG Beee
October 29 2006 6:40 PM EST
Can't be 300 billion believers because if there's only ~6.5 billion alive now then that's more than have died in total so even doubling it we arrive at a total a lot less than 300 billion.
Of course, as many people will argue that there's not more people alive now than have died as will argue whether ghosts exist or not.
I can safely announce that when I looked in the mirror on Saturday morning I definitely thought I was looking at a ghost... After a good breakfast and another hour or two in bed though and I just looked really rough next time I checked.
Ghosts only exist in the cupboard under my stairs according to my children...
October 29 2006 7:11 PM EST
Off topic, but the general consensus is that the number of people who have ever lived is estimated at 100 billion +/- 10 billion.
All depends on at what point you want to consider an individual human. Same goes for most discussions on CB of course.
October 30 2006 9:10 AM EST
One day, I was watching some reality TV show covering people moving, or something like that. This family had moved into a new house, and the five year old son saw a ghost in the middle of the night. As any rational person would do, they opened the yellow pages and found the cheapest ghost-removal service in town. This guy showed up with a funny-looking hat, a funnier-looking assistant, and a pineapple. He walked around the house, shaking the pineapple and chanting.
Ever since that day, I've been a believer.
October 30 2006 9:13 AM EST
Who you gonna call?
October 30 2006 9:32 AM EST
Yes, they exsist. I've had all types of encounters, all of which happened with other people around, so I have an alliby. They range from watching my brother being chased after he was messing with a grave site, to ones that litteraly appeared as a huge ball of light/fire. As well as being touched, lights being turned on and off (The switch moved too, so it wasen't an electrical issue). Though, I don't believe "just anyone" can see them in form directly. I believe seeing them is a gift of sorts. Perhaps just a matter of believing is seeing.
Say what you want, I know it's there.
October 30 2006 10:31 AM EST
I believe in cheese. Cheese tastes good with pretty much everything. I may die earlier for cheese, but still I believe in cheese.
Hmmm, but ghosts? Kinda with GL on this, though I differ in one respect.
Cheese FTW!!!
October 30 2006 10:37 AM EST
I like cheese! And a grilled ghost sandwich with bacon just doesn't sound very appetizing, so I agree that it is much better to believe in cheese, than ghosts.. .
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