Will it blend ( this new??) (in Off-topic)

Slashundhack [We Forge Our Own Stuff] November 6 2006 8:52 PM EST

I want one!

Slashundhack [We Forge Our Own Stuff] November 6 2006 8:53 PM EST

Oops it ends at marbles

GnuUzir November 6 2006 9:00 PM EST

Wow, I wonder if that guy does that for free?

Can you give suggestions?

Now I am hooked...

P.S. breathing that glass dust would SUCK!!!

/me grabs a blender and eyes different things in the room

Tyriel [123456789] November 6 2006 9:33 PM EST

Haha. That's hilarious.

And of course breathing glass dust would suck. You would total your lungs by doing that. o.0

(CB1)logan666 [Jago] November 6 2006 11:13 PM EST

I knew someone who had his jaw broken and it was wired shut. He lived off of a liquid diet and decided to try blending up a McDonald's Quarter Pounder along with fries and a shake, just like in another of the videos they did. Sounds disgusting but he said after all the other stuff he had bee eating for weeks that it tasted great.

AdminShade November 7 2006 1:48 AM EST

fixed your link.

AdminShade November 7 2006 8:50 AM EST

Then the next step is putting carnage in the blender ;)

GnuUzir November 7 2006 3:25 PM EST

logan - my uncle did that too, burger, fries, shake, ketchup and all...

Too much for me to watch...ewww....
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