Josi/Zap she's my Mom.... (in Public Record)

Zacharia Andrew Pa!n November 29 2006 1:17 AM EST

She is here for help alone. Thank you G_Bee for explaining to her that the rules have changed from cb1 tro cb2 as I didn't know she couldn't use my acct. to ask for homework advice. I would hope she is treated with much more respect than I have been here by others and if not then believe me you'll be hearing from me. Also to whoever the punk RULZ NAZI that thinks my ma is cheating for me watch yourself and who's names your putting out of your mouth in open chat. You can easily figure out what she was doing here by Googling Zacharia_Andrew_Pain Some people really need a life if all they can think of to do is stop a nice 50 yr old woman from getting help with her college classes and by golly A lot of people have lost me as a helper/friend today knowing who was in the room now when this all transpired. Lord Elf, Zacharia_Andrew_Pain Andrew Strasser Guess that anchor just hit the bottom of the ocean....
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