Money loans (in General)

[CB1]cheez-its December 3 2006 9:51 AM EST

possibly make a system where money loaned is repaid to the person loaned to. ie lets say i loan someone 500k the next day the system takes 50% of his profits (fight rewards) till the amount i set (for interest purposes) and the person who recieved the money has agreed upon (i know it seems confusing but just a general suggestion since people get scammed all the time on loans)

[CB1]cheez-its December 3 2006 9:58 AM EST

further more... only one (offical) loan at one time (to prevent montyness) and there be a way to pay extra (if u make money from auctions or something like that) you click on link on the loan page and fill in the amount you want to pay like a normal money transfer in cb and it would deduct it from the debt

Wasp December 3 2006 6:06 PM EST

That then promotes the loaning and borrowing of money. Yeah it may stop a few scams, but players get scammed at their own risks. They know that scamming happens yet still ask for no collateral.

chuck1234 December 3 2006 6:38 PM EST

cheez, i don't know how feasible that would be; perhaps the present situation is best with judicious utilisation of collateral. At one time during my NUB, I had two loans and a pay-plan going all at once, and I paid them all in time.
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