Guess what the top google hit for [frequently offered retarded suggest (in General)

AdminJonathan January 16 2007 3:40 PM EST

I'm so proud. :)

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] January 16 2007 3:43 PM EST

Seems like a shallow victory when you outdo websites discussing mentally retarded children though Jon.


QBRanger January 16 2007 3:43 PM EST

Could it be Carnageblender2?

AdminJonathan January 16 2007 3:47 PM EST

I was feeling bad that some of those suggestions weren't really retarded, so I created a "Frequently offered non-retarded suggestions that are nevertheless unlikely to be implemented" FAQ. But I only moved two of the questions over. I guess the rest really are retarded. Or maybe my blood sugar is low again. :)

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] January 16 2007 3:53 PM EST

Our new slogan "We marginally outrank the mentally challenged, can you?"

Yes, this can be seen as distasteful and I apologize in advance :)

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 16 2007 4:00 PM EST


bartjan January 16 2007 4:48 PM EST

Is my user portrait on topic?

TheHatchetman January 16 2007 4:59 PM EST

see who's_Official_biography comes up when searching for 'miserable failure'

Flamey January 16 2007 5:21 PM EST

That's quite funny, jon beat the actual retarded community on this one, or are we the retarded community?

Brakke Bres [Ow man] January 16 2007 5:29 PM EST

i cant believe this one isn't in it anymore

Q: You can name items, why not name spells?

A: I can't believe this RS is actually FO, but it is.

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] January 16 2007 6:29 PM EST

Hatch, is it Monty?
Flamey if we are you should be a chairman.

This shows how politically correct jon is to the rest of the world. A True Triumph! ;)

TheHatchetman January 16 2007 6:35 PM EST

funny you bring hum up Gun, I did some reasearch and found
Monty was indeed fitting of the description...

But we're getting off topic (Shouldn't this thread be there?).
Congrats Jon, and you should be proud :)

TheHatchetman January 19 2007 1:55 AM EST

and to answer the original thread question, it is this post :P

SaintChristopher January 19 2007 1:09 PM EST

Off topic a bit, but i didn't know you were a diabetic [or at least a hypoglycemic, based on the blood sugar comment].
Oh the joys of chronic illness [had it since i was 4...]
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