I want to see the 'Tutorial' (in General)

Timberwolf February 2 2007 10:38 PM EST

Is there a way that I can play through the Tutorial that new players are being sent through?
It's been a while since I've seen it, and it seems as though it has changed quite a bit since then.

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] February 2 2007 10:58 PM EST

Me too.

AdminNightStrike February 2 2007 11:15 PM EST

Shade did so, and put up slides somewhere showing them. Perhaps try checking his site, cbstuff.nl

Flamey February 3 2007 1:07 AM EST

here you go.

AdminShade February 3 2007 8:10 AM EST

There is a way by retiring all your characters also I believe, not sure though...

Timberwolf February 3 2007 12:56 PM EST

I believe it has changed since Shade went through it.
There are 'Goals' that new players have to complete now.

AdminShade February 3 2007 1:10 PM EST

True, but these goals are mentioned after the tutorial...
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