Problem with chatmails? (in General)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] April 4 2007 12:55 PM EDT

Sorry if this is just mt messed up log in atm, but when replying to CM I get sent to the old "you have sent a CM" page instead of a reply in my home page.

I hope this makes sense!

Adi April 4 2007 1:07 PM EDT

That's strange. Mine is working fine right now, but yesterday I kept getting old chatmails on my homepage delivered as if they were new.

QBRanger April 4 2007 1:08 PM EDT

When the server first came up that exact problem happened to me. However, Jon shortly thereafter fixed it.

Seems like your behind the times a couple days.

AdminJonathan April 4 2007 4:39 PM EDT

given your other problem you're probably trying to d/l the javascripts from the wrong server...
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