Junction...how it really works?? (in General)

Crux Terminatus May 12 2007 6:56 AM EDT

I have recently returned to CB and have taken note of a new skill, Junction. I know it links item enhancements to the familiar, but how does it work??

Can one minion wear the familiar, and other minions items transfer to it??

What is the point of putting exp into junction once it has been initially trained??

When the minion dies, but the familiar is still alive, do the item enhancements stop for the familiar??

QBRanger May 12 2007 7:19 AM EDT

1) For the item enchantments to the familiar, it is best to read the changelog Jon posted about Jxn. It is very well described in that post.

2) Yes, No.

3) You want junction to be at (1.0) like archery. Any xp over that is wasted. Realize you will need to raise your junction level as your familiar gains levels. However, items that boost skills such as elven gear and the AOF do raise skills. The AOF effects on a minion using a familiar and junction is still bugged, that is not working. Jon may fix it next changemonth.

4) No. The effects of the items on the familiar are determined at that beginning of the battle and stay that way for the duration of the battle.

QBRanger May 12 2007 7:20 AM EDT

So here's the skinny:

Junction transfers items' effects _on the minion training junction_; it does not duplicate the items themselves, or item intrinsics. So MH's aura does not get duped -- the MH aura only affects the MH, not a bow on the same minion -- but AC does. (Someone posted that AC does not -- if so that's a bug; it's intended to work.)

To repeat: no current weapons do anything that would qualify for Junction.

Junction transfers both positive and negative effects (such as armor dx penalties) but as junction gets higher it can block out the negative. At 1.0 you get 100% of the positive effect for most things, and 150% for ST and DX. At 1.0 you get 0% of the negative effect. Junction operates on the aggregate of a given effect, so if you have a TSA equipped as well as EG, you won't get 0% of the TSA penalty and 150% of the EG bonus; first the bonus and penalty get added, THEN junction is applied.

To get 1.0 you need to have 1/5 of your tattoo's effective lvl in Junction. (It started out as 1/5 of your DX/ST/spell, whichever was highest, but changed this morning.)

All this is the initial changelog post per Jon.

QBRanger May 12 2007 7:27 AM EDT

Sry about answer 3 it was worded incorrectly. The AOF effect on the familiar is bugged. The AOF effect on the minion works correctly.
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