I am at a total standstill with my char. (in General)

TheHatchetman May 19 2007 1:42 AM EDT

Maybe you guys/gals can help! My theory is that with another 50m nw, and 4m XP on each minion right this instant, my fightlist would remain unchanged. So If I can't beat them now, I never will... On the reverse, with the exception of huge ToA tanks (as in single, most teamed ToA tanks dont have what it takes, unless the minions are freshly hired...) and mage teams (DD is overpowered!!! jk :P), if they cant beat me now, they never will...Here are my stats, if there's a way to remove myself from deadlock (without making me less effective, I don't want to have to run back 20 steps just to watch the gears turn), please let me know. And on that not, I give you:

Your Minions
Shaggy 2 Dope EXP: 59,063 HP: 840,000/840,000 ST: 1,196,004/126,055 DX: 1,525,205/783,344 AC: 34 Bloodlust: 246,590/224,173 (0.60)

An Amulet of Invisibility [0] (+10)
A Pair of Displacement Boots [0] (+93)
A Pair of Elven Gloves [3] (+10)
A Helm of Ecthelion [6] (+15)
Check My Tat!! lvl 1,758,556 (ToA)

A Morgul-Hammer [84x837] (+81)
An Assassin's Crossbow [4x403] (+76)

Violent J EXP: 7,196 HP: 845,000/845,000 ST: 21 DX: 116/84 AC: 117
Evasion: 2,593,887/1,508,074 (168) Magic Missile: 25 (7) Ethereal Chains: 50 (45)

Study Guide [0] (+10) (rented AoF, a bit bigger than mine, but there's no difference in my fights)
A Mithril Chain Mail [28] (+24) (I tried a semi-large AC to make sure more Armor Class wouldnt help against magic)
Archers Cloak [4] (+11) (rented EC, a bit bigger than mine, but there's no difference in my fights)
Nimble Paws of a Billy-Bumbler [10] (+25) (EB)
A Cabasset [3] (+9)

Jamie Madrox EXP: 26 HP: 20/20 ST: 20 DX: 22/20 AC: 31
Antimagic Field: 433,474 (?) Protection: 17,642 (12)

An Amulet of Focus [0] (+9) (just there until the rented one goes back)
An Elven Cloak [4] (+10) (read above)
A Pair of Leather Boots [4] (+8) (no point, really...)
A Pair of Leather Gloves [1] (+4) (laugh all you will, but with the aid of these gloves, sut's MM takes 2 rounds to get through this minion :P)

A Short Bow [2x1] (+4) (teh uberness!)

QBJohn Birk [Black Cheetah Bazaar] May 19 2007 2:12 AM EDT

First up, Im probably not as versed as others in all the ins and outs. I think Jonnywas said it best, playing by feel. Anyway, here is my two cents.

Here is what I would do. I would change the evasion wall into a high AC phantom link wall. Or even a mage buster. I mean yes you have a lot of evasion, but, your ToA guy does as well of sorts, you are kind of doubled up there.

If you went with a mage buster wall, with PL, you could maybe think about either really cranking your protection (ehhh) or going with like Ablative Shield. I know I know, DM, but in the end, maybe they would be the only ones, and it would drop the deadlock.

If you add Phantom link you will want to AoI your Enchanter and stickt he wall in the back. You will want all the attacks to start with your PL minion, or I should say as many as possible. Dont let your High AC wall guy take damage absorbing low AC guys hits when you can avoid it. I would even consider a EH for him, but most wont.

I really like high AC/High HP PL protection a ToA tank. Its almost like do that or ToE to protect them in multi minion set ups.

Anyway, I will only charge you 1 cent, for what it is worth :)

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 19 2007 2:29 AM EDT

an EH and MgS on the evasion wall is key, throw him in the back, train PL and a little HP on the enchanter (who will need an AoI) and see where that gets you...
another minion training just HP and PL would also do the same thing

QBRanger May 19 2007 6:33 AM EDT

I do agree with Seft and Novice to a large degree.

Unlearning the evasion and putting all that xp into HP would get you over 2.1M HP on your current evasion wall. Drop a MgS and TSA on it, with other wall armors and you should with stand most MM (which is the most prevalent DD spell near the top). The TSA over the EH for the regeneration, over 100k with max hp. If you want, I'm sure there are both TSAs and EHs in rentals you can try. You may also want to learn a smaller PL on this minion, about 50k worth to help with the leeching effects of specialty xbows.

Stick this minion in the back.

Then.... Since you do not use archery, perhaps learning evasion on your tank might help a bit more. Depends if tanks have a tough time hitting you now. The evasion on my tank helps quite a lot vs axbows and exbows.

Your current last minion is very low in xp and is fine doing what it is doing. Up the protection to at least 54k which is level 20, best bang for the xp.

TheHatchetman May 19 2007 11:01 PM EDT

Okay, I've a few days before a chunk of my stuff gets back from rentals, and I've come up with a comprimise of sorts. My tank doesnt have what it takes to evade properly without HUGE DBs (ToAs alone give enough pth to bypass most DBs at this level...), the DBs i have now only serve a purpose against bart's char (the +93 are rented, but i own +52 named ones) because his Axbow is only +50 :) but even with the DBs, there are many a tank that would get DX shots on only ~1.5m DX. So, with that in mind, i really want to keep the Evasion... With the evasion that high, I really have no other way to combat enemy tanks until I get a 35m nw Exbow... With that in mind, I could make the rest of my team anti-mage. GA/AS works best when going against spread damage, but with DM so prevalent lately, I'm not going that route... My only other choice would be to best combat MM that most mages around my level use, and a decent mage wall would help against that. Hell, I could use two... So PL sounds like the cheapest way to double up, and the TSA sounds great. But spread damage would overload the less-armored minions, and quickly diminish my PL guy (CoC is way overpowered!!! :P)... I'd want some degree of AMF to help a little, even if just for a minor reduction in damage (though backlash is always appreciated :). So I've considered putting the ToA on my E-wall (all that defensive DX + ToA DX... wow!), and converting my tank to a AMF/Protection enchanter/PL battery (1m HP, 54k Protection, PL as needed, everything else to AMF) w/ TSA, and turning my enchanter into a mage/AC wall wall (kinda like a typical AC wall, but adding a g to the shield :). My only concern is that my damage dealer then won't be beefy enough, or I'd lose the evasion, and have to backtrack quite a few people off my list...

And yes, am petrified of DM, and wouldnt make a team even semi-reliant on EDs without RoS (and I hate the RoS...)

TheHatchetman May 20 2007 11:12 PM EDT

So does anyone have any feedback as to how that would work? Would it? Or would I be doing way too little damage?

Miandrital May 21 2007 12:40 AM EDT

I didn't bother reading what everybody else said, but I think you would do a little better if you used an EH and a MgS on the evasion dude. A second EH wouldn't hurt on your enchanter.

When you get more exp, PL would be a good add to your enchanter, especially since it reduces VA effects.

Finally, drop the axbow and get a SoD or an Exbow. Axbow is not useful on a ToA tank since you have enough dex and pth already, and it usually keeps switching targets, making your fights last longer.

My $.02

GO PATS May 21 2007 3:10 AM EDT

I agree with every Mian just said...

TheHatchetman May 21 2007 3:31 AM EDT

The Axbow atm is for B Ark (whos tank sometimes gets a few shots at me in later ranged rounds when i dont have the Axbow, causing stales) and I Win (who somehow gets shots off on my E-wall during melee...), but what I've come up with eliminates the need for it :)

My enchanter doesnt have enough XP to spread, any HP under 250k would be entirely pointless, and my AMF and Protection are lower than what is needed for decent effect. I can't really imagine splitting the XP even further to cover two more stats... Hence my idea to make him the mage wall, and my tank the PL guy, making my Evasion guy the tank.

But I'm not sure my damage would be enough (the tank would only be a little over 1.2m ST). With that in mind, I'm opening myself up to heavy AC or big EC. I suppose I can get around the AC with a VB, but then GA would slaughter me without the MH leechyness... Can't cover all bases, but i can try to get damn close :P

noneedforthese May 21 2007 3:58 AM EDT

Drop a hundred mil cash and see what happens ;)

But seriously, I think all the good suggestions have been made :)
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