Evasion bug? (in General)

winner winner August 30 2007 8:44 AM EDT

When I fight against [T10]Spoon I miss Every single time i attack the evasion minion that has 5368 Evasion lvl but I can't hit him with +16 PTH and a 11k LToA.

Flamey August 30 2007 8:45 AM EDT

How high is your ST/DX in battle? that is after he casts his EC?

48Zach August 30 2007 8:50 AM EDT

(11 ) 5,537
So he's at 10 effect of evasion.


--Gives a bonus to effective DX on defense equal to the evasion level.
--Evasion is more effective during ranged combat: x3 during the first ranged round, x7/3 during the 2nd, and x5/3 during the last.

Meaning -- He has a 30 effect of evasion in the first round, about 22 in the second, and about 18 in the last. The 2nd and 3rd rounds are approximates, so you know. Also, the defensive DX would have to fit in there somewhere..

All information was taken from the wiki

winner winner August 30 2007 8:56 AM EDT

I can't hit in any of the 25 rounds

48Zach August 30 2007 9:02 AM EDT

i ntocied you stalemated a couple times, but you're winning now

Flamey August 30 2007 9:03 AM EDT

You misinterpreted, Zach.

The level gets multiplied. not the effect. multiply 5368 by 3 to get ranged 1's effective evasion *level*, multiply by 7/3 to get ranged 2's effective evasion level and multiply by 5/3 to get ranged's 3 effective evasion level.

winner winner August 30 2007 9:03 AM EDT

odd I missed 25 rounds 2 times and i'm winning now

48Zach August 30 2007 9:05 AM EDT

OH right Flamey, good snag

48Zach August 30 2007 9:05 AM EDT

Did you run out of arrows?

AdminNightStrike August 30 2007 9:06 AM EDT

5368 * 3 = 16104 = Effect of 18
5368 * 7/3 = 12526 = Effect of 16
5368 * 5/3 = 8947 = Effect of 13
5368 = Effect of 10

winner winner August 30 2007 9:07 AM EDT

I have PTH higher than his evasion so why don't i ever hit in the first couple of rounds?

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] August 30 2007 10:02 AM EDT

You are getting no benefits from dex based cth, so you might have a ~15% chance of hitting from pth first round when the multipliers are highest.

QBRanger August 30 2007 10:04 AM EDT

Do not forget that evasion gives defensive dexterity equal to its effective level.

So if his EC lowers your dexterity below his evasion level, your losing the dex battle and have a poor chance to hit. Depending on how low his EC gets your dex.

The 11k TOA likely gives very little PTH.
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