Rentals bug? (in General)

[Nkki]WildEagle [SNB Forging Services] October 28 2007 5:54 AM EDT

An Amulet of Focus [0] (+7) $251,976 $10,000 7 days 0 / 00:00:00
rented by wotan; back in 7 days 00:30:55

A Pair of Displacement Boots [0] (+17) $198,132 $5,000 7 days 0 / 00:00:00
rented by R1SK; back in 7 days 00:01:53

how can the remaining time be more than the period i set it to? Think i got more money for it than i should have got as well..

QBRanger October 28 2007 7:50 AM EDT

Daylight Saving Time, we were supposed to gain an hour extra at 2am. Hence, the extra hour on your rentals.

However it is not this week but next in America. Last year it was the last Sunday in Oct, this year it is the first Sunday in November.
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