No more defensive XP? (in General)

Talion November 6 2007 8:18 AM EST

My Impaler character has won several defensive fights in the past 2 days but has not gained any XP from them.

Is anyone else experienced the same thing?

QBRanger November 6 2007 8:21 AM EST


My farms do get money/xp from defensive wins.

I do notice that if someone attacks for more then 3 times and loses you only get xp for the first 2. Also, if someone really low MPR compared to yours attacks you, you get little or no xp for an obvious win situation.

QBJohnnywas November 6 2007 8:25 AM EST

Maybe it's part of the 'rollback' problems that have been going on the past day or so?

Talion November 6 2007 8:29 AM EST

"Maybe it's part of the 'rollback' problems that have been going on the past day or so?"

That's what I think too.

Look at Impaler's battle log. 4 fights have been won in the past 2 days and that character only has 1 XP since Nov 4th.

QBJohnnywas November 6 2007 8:34 AM EST

I may have completely imagined it but I was sure that your main character is stored differently to your other chars. So changes such as rollback don't necessarily impact on your main but do on inactive chars.

And probably things such as battle logs are stored somewhere else again. So your character is at a stage where he wasn't attacked (rollback) but the fightlogs for that char haven't rolled back.

But I'm probably wrong. ;)

Talion November 6 2007 8:40 AM EST

"But I'm probably wrong. ;)"

LOL! You totally confused me and you write that you are wrong on top of that. Thanks! I think...

QBJohnnywas November 6 2007 8:53 AM EST

heh, unless I understand it incorrectly Jon was saving changes to our main/active characters throughout the problems but not our inactive characters.

So, your defensive battles are somebody elses 'active' battles. Changes saved there in the fightlog. However your character Impaler is an inactive character so any changes to him have not been changed.

("I may be wrong" added to save me any embarrassment!)

QBJohnnywas November 6 2007 8:54 AM EST

*any changes have not been saved
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