riddles (in Off-topic)

cookie dough November 8 2007 9:25 PM EST

post you're riddles, please post the answer too.
except me, I don't know the answer to this one:

There is a rich man living with two other people, his butler and his maid. One day the rich man is sitting at his desk counting his money, preparing to deposit it at the bank. When he is done he goes to the bank, but when he arrives, he realizes he left a $100 dollar bill on the desk. So he quickly called the house and told the butler that he forgot the $100 bill on the desk, and he will come home now to pick it up. When he arrived home he asked the butler what he did with the bill, the butler said he put it under the green book on the desk. When the rich man looked under the book, it wasn't there, so he asked the maid if she saw it. She said she saw the $100 bill when she was dusting and put it between pages 67 and 68 of the green book. Right then and there the rich man called the police, and knew who stole it, even before the rich man checked inside the book to see if the $100 bill was there. How did he know?

TheHatchetman November 8 2007 9:26 PM EST

it was a 60 page book?

TheHatchetman November 8 2007 9:28 PM EST

why was she dusting under a book?

cookie dough November 8 2007 9:28 PM EST

I guess. Try this.

You are driving a bus that contains 50 people. The bus makes one stop and
ten people get off, while three people get on. At the next stop seven people
get off the bus, and two people get on. There are two more stops, at which
four passengers get off each time. And three fares get on at one stop, and
none at the other. At this point, the bus has to stop because of mechanical
trouble. Some of the passengers are in a hurry and they decide to walk. So
these people get off the bus. When the mechanical trouble is taken care of,
the bus goes to the last stop and the rest of the people get off.

What city is the driver in?

j'bob November 8 2007 9:28 PM EST

pages 67 and 68 are on the same piece of paper.
thank you very much.

cookie dough November 8 2007 9:33 PM EST

What can a man put in a bag of rice to make it lighter?

a hole

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] November 8 2007 9:48 PM EST

Depends on where I drive a bus, no?

cookie dough November 8 2007 9:50 PM EST

yes bast =)

NotSuitablForChildren [Yeeeaahh.................] November 8 2007 11:07 PM EST

I have heard a variation of the bus riddle wherein I am the bus driver. The final question is what color are the bus drivers eyes. Mine are blue with green in them (;

[P]Mitt November 9 2007 12:34 AM EST

j'bob is correct.

The maid did it because pages 67 and 68 are on the two sides of the same page:

Pages ending in 1 and 2 are on the same page, same with 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 9/0

And so 67/68 are on the same page.

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] November 9 2007 8:05 AM EST

What word when you add 2 letters to it becomes shorter?

j'bob November 9 2007 8:13 AM EST

cause its no longer a mile?

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] November 9 2007 8:37 AM EST

nope, the answer is short, adding 'er' makes it shorter ;)

cookie dough November 9 2007 8:44 PM EST

lol try this

I have a tail, and I have a head, but i have no body. I am NOT a snake. What am I?
(not any kind of animal)

Iluvatar[NK] November 9 2007 8:45 PM EST

It would be a comma, wouldn't it?

Here's one that might take awhile:

The warden meets with 23 new prisoners when they arrive. He tells them, "You may meet today and plan a strategy. But after today, you will be in isolated cells and will have no communication with one another.

"In the prison is a switch room, which contains two light switches labeled A and B, each of which can be in either the 'on' or the 'off' position. I am not telling you their present positions. The switches are not connected to anything.

"After today, from time to time whenever I feel so inclined, I will select one prisoner at random and escort him to the switch room. This prisoner will select one of the two switches and reverse its position. He must move one, but only one of the switches. He can't move both but he can't move none either. Then he'll be led back to his cell.

"No one else will enter the switch room until I lead the next prisoner there, and he'll be instructed to do the same thing. I'm going to choose prisoners at random. I may choose the same guy three times in a row, or I may jump around and come back.

"But, given enough time, everyone will eventually visit the switch room as many times as everyone else. At any time anyone of you may declare to me, 'We have all visited the switch room.' and be 100% sure.

"If it is true, then you will all be set free. If it is false, and somebody has not yet visited the switch room, you will be fed to the alligators."

What is the strategy they come up with so that they can be free?

cookie dough November 9 2007 11:57 PM EST

a quarter =)

cookie dough November 10 2007 12:15 AM EST

to last romantic: "This will require some thinking" not really =P

First elect a leader.
Then, every time a prisoner flips a switch for the first time, he flips A.
When a prisoner has flipped a switch already, he flips switch B.
Every time the leader goes to the switch room, he records if switch A is different from the last time he saw it.
Only, he makes sure he records 24 switch movements as the prisoners don't know the switch positions in the beginning.

What a pain to type...

Cube November 10 2007 6:36 AM EST

^Err I don't see how that is a solution

[P]Mitt November 10 2007 3:04 PM EST

Brownie's answer is close, but it's got a flaw: What if 2 people come in and flip switch A before the captain gets back in? Then it will be like A will never have been flipped. They'll be there for a long long long time :(

But Brownie's really close, I think:

The prisoners elect a captain. Now the captain's job is to count how many times switch A has been flipped up.

Rules for the captain:
1. If switch A is up, he flips it down and counts how many times he has flipped it.
2. If switch A is down, he flips switch B

Rules for everyone else:
1. If switch A is up, flip switch B (don't touch A)
2. If switch A is down, and the prisoner has never flipped A before, flip switch A up.
3. If switch A is down, and the prisoner has already flipped A before, flip B.

Once the captain has seen 22 flips of A going up, he can tell the warden to let them free :)

cookie dough November 10 2007 4:12 PM EST

ok, try this one

What state is surrounded by the most water?
(no tricks in this one, but you'd be suprised how many people get it wrong)

[P]Mitt November 10 2007 4:15 PM EST

Percentage wise, I'd guess hawaii, because it's 100% surrounded by water.

Area wise, I'd guess Alaska, just because it's huge and has a huge coastline.

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] November 10 2007 4:23 PM EST

Define "most".

Hawaii is surrounded by the entire Pacific Ocean.

cookie dough November 10 2007 4:59 PM EST

heeeyyyy CB isn't as dumb as I thought =)
this one is hard

A man walks into a bar and asks for a glass of water. The bartender pulls out a shotgun and points it at him. The man says, thank you and leaves.

QBRanger November 10 2007 5:04 PM EST

The man had Hiccups and instead of water the bartender used the shotgun to scare the hiccups out of him.

cookie dough November 10 2007 6:23 PM EST

how 'bout this?

You approach two talking doors. One door leads to the City of Truth, while the other door leads to the City of Liars. You do not know which door is which. You are able to ask only one question to determine which door is which. The door that leads to the City of Liars always speaks lies, while the door that leads to the City of Truth always speaks the truth. You want to go to the City of Truth. What question do you ask to determine which door leads to the City of Truth ?

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] November 10 2007 7:00 PM EST

are you a door?

Despiz November 10 2007 7:08 PM EST

Easy. If youre ugly ask if you're handsome. And vice-versa.

Also ask, Does this door lead me to the City of Truth, or does this door lead me to the City of Liars.

Or ask "Do Zebras have stripes" If the answer is yes, go on in.

I can think of more.

cookie dough November 10 2007 7:39 PM EST

nice dez,

now this

It's more powerful than God.
It's more evil than the devil.
The poor have it.
The rich need it.
If you eat it, you'll die.
What am I?

Tyriel [123456789] November 10 2007 7:46 PM EST


Here's one:

Three men walk into a cheap motel late at night. They buy a really terrible room (the only one left at the time) for $30, pitching in $10 each. After they get to the room, the owner feels bad for charging $30 for the room, since it hasn't been cleaned in over a week, and none of the appliances in it work, so he gives $5 to his assistant to give back to the men. As the assistant walks through the hall, he wonders how to split the money. They each paid a third of the money, so they should each get a third of the refund, but five doesn't divide equally by three. So, he decides to keep $2 to himself, and give each man $1. So, in effect, each man paid $9 for the room, and the assistant kept $2 for himself. $9 * 3 = $27, $27 + $2 = $29. Where's the missing dollar?

Unappreciated Misnomer November 10 2007 7:53 PM EST

1. If you have it you cant share it, but if you share it you dont have it?

2. Always old, sometimes new, never sad, sometimes blue. Never empty, sometimes full, never pushes, always pulls.

Despiz November 10 2007 7:53 PM EST

Three men walk into a cheap motel late at night. They buy a really terrible room (the only one left at the time) for $30, pitching in $10 each. After they get to the room, the owner feels bad for charging $30 for the room, since it hasn't been cleaned in over a week, and none of the appliances in it work, so he gives $5 to his assistant to give back to the men. As the assistant walks through the hall, he wonders how to split the money. They each paid a third of the money, so they should each get a third of the refund, but five doesn't divide equally by three. So, he decides to keep $2 to himself, and give each man $1. So, in effect, each man paid $9 for the room, and the assistant kept $2 for himself. $9 * 3 = $27, $27 + $2 = $29. Where's the missing dollar?

If each man paid 9$ for the room, the room cost 27$.

But to answer your question

Paid 10$l

Got refund of 1$ so each technically paid 9$l

9 * 3 = 27.

27 + 3(1 for each dollar given back) = 30$

Despiz November 10 2007 8:00 PM EST

1. If you have it you cant share it, but if you share it you dont have it?

2. Always old, sometimes new, never sad, sometimes blue. Never empty, sometimes full, never pushes, always pulls.

1. A Secret (edyit)

2. The moon silly.

cookie dough November 11 2007 12:24 AM EST


A man was to be sentenced, and the judge told him, "You may make a statement. If it is true, I'll sentence you to four years in prison. If it is false, I'll sentence you to six years in prison." After the man made his statement, the judge decided to let him go free. What did the man say?

cookie dough November 11 2007 12:25 AM EST

no google on that one!

Iluvatar[NK] November 11 2007 12:26 AM EST

You will sentence me to six years in prison.


This statement is false.

QBRanger November 11 2007 12:27 AM EST

The man said "you will sentence me to six years in prison"

Iluvatar[NK] November 11 2007 12:29 AM EST

Well, any paradoxical statement suffices :P

TheHatchetman November 11 2007 12:37 AM EST

A guy rides into town on Friday. He stays at the salloon for 3 nights before leaving on Friday. How?

Iluvatar[NK] November 11 2007 12:38 AM EST

Friday's a horse.

Relic November 11 2007 12:43 AM EST

There is a man that is hanging from a noose, in the middle of a white room with no windows, and only one door which has been locked from the inside. The man is roughly 3 feet off the floor, his feet are burned, and there is nothing underneath him. How was he able to commit suicide?

Radianc3 November 11 2007 12:46 AM EST

A stranger approached a museum curator and offered him an ancient coin. The coin had an authentic appearance and was marked with the date 544 B.C. THe curator had happily made acquistions from suspicious sources before but this time he promptly called the police and had the stranger arrested. Why?

Radianc3 November 11 2007 12:47 AM EST

he stood on a block of ice for the post above my first! :D

Iluvatar[NK] November 11 2007 12:47 AM EST

Radianc3: They can't be dated before the thing happened. That is, in BC, they didn't know it was BC.

QBRanger November 11 2007 12:48 AM EST


How would someone 544 years before Christ know Christ would exist?


Did the guy use Dry Ice and get a Ice burn on his feet, the dry ice then melted and evaporated?

Radianc3 November 11 2007 12:52 AM EST

nice job ranger and LR, heres another...

Suppose you are a bus drive. On the first stop you pick up 6 men and 2 women. At the second stop 2 men leave and 1 woman boards the bus. At the third stop 1 man leaves and 2 women enter the bus. At the fourth stop 3 men get on and 3 women get of. At the fifth stop, 2 men get off, 3 men get on. At the sixth stop 1 woman gets off and 2 woman get on. At the sixth stop 1 man and 1 woman gets off. At the seventh stop 3 men get on and 1 woman gets off. What is the bus driver's name?

Iluvatar[NK] November 11 2007 12:52 AM EST

It's been asked earlier in the thread.

LR, for me.

QBRanger November 11 2007 12:52 AM EST


Radianc3 November 11 2007 12:58 AM EST

lol I didnt even know it was so popular. moving on....

Imagine that some psychologist have administered personality tests to 30 engineers and 70 lawyers, all people who are successful in their fields. Brief descriptions were written for each of the 100 people. read these two descriptions and rate the probability of them being an engineer or lawyer, from a 0-100% (I'm looking for correct answers..)

Jack is a 45 year-old man. He is married with childern. He is a conservative republican american, and spends his time with some hobbies, which include sudoku, home carpentry, and sailing. What is the probability of Jack being an engineer?

Dick is a 30 year-old man. He is married with no children. He is a rising star in his field, well liked by all of his colleagues. What is the probability of Dick being an engineer?

Iluvatar[NK] November 11 2007 1:00 AM EST

You have 50 blue balls and 50 red balls and two jars. You must put all 100 balls in the jars given. A person will randomly pick a ball from any one of the jars without bias. How do you maximize his chance of getting a red ball?

TheHatchetman November 11 2007 1:00 AM EST


TheHatchetman November 11 2007 1:01 AM EST

put the red balls at the top

Iluvatar[NK] November 11 2007 1:03 AM EST

Balls in a jar have an equal chance of being chosen; proximity to the top is irrelevant.

Fanta [Fanta's Forge] November 11 2007 1:04 AM EST

Suppose you're on a plane. As you're flying, the pilot has a heart attack and dies. There's no one else on the plane, and you're in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. There are no life rafts, life vests, parachutes, whatever. You can't fly the plane either. What do you do?

QBRanger November 11 2007 1:04 AM EST

Put 1 red ball in 1 jar and all the others in the other jar.

This will give about a 75% chance of picking a red ball.

cookie dough November 11 2007 10:01 AM EST

belly flop into the pacific

QBRanger November 11 2007 10:05 AM EST

Put on the autopilot?

Yukk November 11 2007 10:08 AM EST

You crash, since you were flying and you died.

j'bob November 11 2007 10:08 AM EST

Nothing, you're the pilot and you're dead.

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] November 11 2007 10:13 AM EST

You were flying in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean? Are you traveling in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang?

cookie dough November 11 2007 12:46 PM EST

"There is a man that is hanging from a noose, in the middle of a white room with no windows, and only one door which has been locked from the inside. The man is roughly 3 feet off the floor, his feet are burned, and there is nothing underneath him. How was he able to commit suicide?"


Spawn November 11 2007 12:48 PM EST

he set the chair he was standing on, on fire before he hung himself....

i knew one like that involving a big Ice Cube and a puddle...

j'bob November 11 2007 1:29 PM EST

Though technically, there should then be a pile of ash under him. :)
Just saying.

[P]Mitt November 11 2007 2:13 PM EST

Then make it dry ice! Dry ice leaves ice burns and has no residue under it

cookie dough November 11 2007 8:13 PM EST

Suppose you're on a plane. As you're flying, the pilot has a heart attack and dies. There's no one else on the plane, and you're in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. There are no life rafts, life vests, parachutes, whatever. You can't fly the plane either. What do you do?

whats the answer fanta?

Despiz November 11 2007 8:19 PM EST

You'd be dead. Theres no one else on the plane. Silly.

48Zach November 11 2007 10:10 PM EST

You use the radio to call for help, give them the co-ordinates, and then use the ejecto-seato and stay in the water until help arrives - eject seats float and have a parachute on them.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] November 11 2007 10:25 PM EST

methinks maybe that wasn't a riddle and fanta was actually asking our advice about a real situation! poor guy. :(

AdminLamuness November 11 2007 10:50 PM EST

You do nothing. Since the plane I'm on and the plane with the dead pilot are two different planes.

Flamey November 12 2007 2:10 AM EST

You do nothing. Since the plane I'm on and the plane with the dead pilot are two different planes.


j'bob November 12 2007 2:27 AM EST

After much deliberation about the plane thing, I have decided the following;
Since I'm ON the plane and not IN it, I must be some sort of bird
or something and I just fly away as the plane and all the
people IN it plunge to their watery graves.
I just suppose I'm not on the plane instead.

[P]Mitt November 12 2007 2:36 AM EST

Technically if you're in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, you're pretty much royally screwed. If you're over it, you'd be fine

j'bob November 12 2007 3:42 AM EST

In the case of the ocean, I think you can be "in the middle" on the surface. It wasn't specified if you were in the middle of the total volume or the middle of the surface area.
This is getting very complicated, I think the plane has definately crashed by now.
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