Building up characters for a relative noob (in General)

SCORPIOUS December 4 2007 2:27 AM EST

Just wondering if anyone can swing me a bit of strategy advice to boost my MPR a bit.Currently im at about 19400 and was wondering If should just cop the negative challenge bonus and battle it out with the noobs and build it up easily, or up my challenge bonus and risk loosing more than i gain from defeats,personally I like to challenge the higher scores ,but it seems to cost me more than I gain.Anyone???

Hyrule Castle [Defy] December 4 2007 2:45 AM EST

well i say specializing to kill certain types...example Archer teams, kind of own mages and other archer teams...inspect them first to see who your fighting...and keep fighting the higher reward bonus'

it helps if your a supporter...

TheHatchetman December 4 2007 3:01 AM EST

It may also help you to read up, as many of your armor pieces do not belong on the minions they are on. Dispell Magic doesn't work very well with Antimagic Field or Ethereal Chains, as it will lower your own enchantments. Deciding between AMF and EC or DM will help you substantially in using your XP much more efficiantly. You also don't need ST and DX on all your minions, only tanks (this game's reference for physical damage dealers) should train these stats. Same for weapons. give each minion a specific purpose, and it would be advisable to have as few damage dealing minions as possible, so as to have your other minions supporting them with enchantments/skills/as killslots.

SCORPIOUS December 4 2007 3:40 AM EST

Cheers fellas,shall deffinately apply your advise,And im happy to say i most certainly am a supporter,the Blender rocks

RichardRahl{Kill Gun} December 4 2007 12:31 PM EST

i rocks too

lol i am after all
The Master of D'Hara!

Wasp December 4 2007 12:38 PM EST

Tweaking your strat so that you utilise all of your MPR is good idea as well. Some spells you have trained aren't really helping your team at all. Maybe have a word with your mentor?
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