Junction thread III: this time, it's war. (in General)

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 24 2007 5:50 PM EST

A couple of months back there were a pair of threads regarding the function of Junction (*snicker*)
in regards to Helm's Gauntlets and the UC bonus. I also discovered that Junction appears to xfer too much STR
(though if Jon wants to ignore that part I'm fine with it). We've also had threads about the issues that happen
when training Junction as far as STR, DEX, and skills being reduced instead of partially boosted when Junction is at less than 1.0.

I believe a full round of testing in regards to Junction needs to be done, I'd like ideas about how to test
the various possible issues and help testing if possible.

Here are the links to the previous threads about Junction. Devengers thread The thread with all the testing data

Dark Dreky December 24 2007 6:27 PM EST

Conjunction junction... whats your function?

I will help with any research that needs to be done... my current team uses Junction and a mid-sized SF. Have to enjoy the holidays before I start working on collecting data! Speaking of which HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
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