Start the NUB with the move to Rivendell (in General)

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 6 2008 12:00 AM EST

Not pointing fingers here, but I think moving the beginning of the bonus period to the end of week three will discourage some of the possible multies and let users understand what normal growth feels like so that the end of the bonus isn't like falling off a cliff.

Leaving the shire is a perfect point for it to start, if you fight well you're close to 100k, you have a good understanding, and have begun to get used to playing most of your BA. I think this small change would allow new users a much better change at hitting 6/20.

Fanta [Fanta's Forge] January 6 2008 12:02 AM EST

That doesn't sound like a bad idea. I like it.

Colonel Custard [The Knighthood] January 6 2008 12:23 AM EST

I third the motion.

[RX3]Cotillion January 6 2008 12:42 AM EST

Spectacular idea Novice. Good job.

Templar January 6 2008 12:55 AM EST

makes sense to me. but would the NUB be three weeks shorter because of it, or maintain the same length?

Lumpy Koala January 6 2008 1:16 AM EST

i wouldn't mind if they start the bonus at 100k :P A little head start won't bring you much edge anyway. The more chances of overtaking the top, the better opportunity for Jon to retain a new player :)

Hyrule Castle [Defy] January 6 2008 1:17 AM EST

/me bows down to novice's spectacular idea.

we are not worthy

Ernest-Scribbler January 6 2008 1:55 AM EST

Very good idea man.

[P]Mitt January 6 2008 3:04 AM EST


I like it.

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] January 6 2008 5:40 AM EST

I love the idea, but hasnt it been brought up before?

Wasp January 6 2008 6:14 AM EST

Why don't we start the NUB at 2.5 million. That way they can have an even better chance of getting to the top without doing half as much work as they should be doing. Great idea!!!!!

On Nov's idea.. Sounds good : )

Flamey January 6 2008 7:50 AM EST

+1 for reasons already stated.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 6 2008 11:20 AM EST

After I posted it I did start thinking I stole this idea out of someone else's thread SP... now to find the thread.
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