Real Saturday Ramblings (in Off-topic)

Armageddon January 19 2008 11:23 AM EST

CAUTION: Read at your own risk

Can i get this shirt in pink?
I can't find the washing instructions. . .
I have a weird feeling that everyone already has this shirt. . .
Why does it shrink and grow with my MPR?
It feels like cotton, but on the back it says polyester.
It is too hard to clean out blood and burn stains from a cotton shirt; especially when you get hit by a snicker-snacking fireball.
What does the gi in combat gi mean?
If the gi in combat gi mean galvanized iron, then how come it only gives [1] AC?
Does this mean that my cb shirt is as strong as galvanized iron?
How can leather boots be stronger than iron, especially galvanized iron?
Why cant i cover my tattoos with this shirt?
If i could it would help alot.
I dont think that this shirt would last long in battle.
Can i get more of these shirts at wal-mart or target?
We should put up a Wal-Mart in CB like the rest of the world.
I dont think the community is large enough for it yet, but who knows.
I think it would be easier to dodge a fireball than an arrow.
Rambow used explosive shots with an arrow.
He did use chicken blood that would totally ruin my new shirt.
If Rambow played CB, he would own.
Sylvester Stalone would get owned by Arnold Schwarzenegger.
I wonder how much str Arnold Schwarzenegger would have if he was converted into a CB minion.
Probably a heptillion or sumtin.
He would totally rip out of my new shirt.
I don't think there would be an Adamantite Curiass large enough for him.
Although he is a robot from the future with sweet skills, he is also the governor of CALIFORNIA.
I know a john, he has curly hair and knows spanish.
He's not a computer techie though.
Although i have another friend who has wavy hair, speaks spanish, is a computer techie, and a mini arnold schwarzenegger.
I could go on and on forever.

three4thsforsaken January 19 2008 11:27 AM EST

Great insight man! xD

lotien January 19 2008 11:36 AM EST

lol a gi is a martial arts uniform
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