Selling out :P (in General)

three4thsforsaken March 13 2008 9:25 PM EDT

Just Kidding. hehe.

Anyways, my NUB is over like many others. I decided to invest it's last month getting money realizing I'd never get the MPR that I want, and got lucky with the N*B rescale.

Now I have 36 million, but somehow it doesn't seem enough to make the NCB that I want. I was wondering at this rate how much money I would need to run a truly successful NCB (6 BA at least). 50 million? 60 million? And I haven't even begun to work on the cost of equips.

Thinking long term, what is the best way to invest my time and money? Is spending it all on rentals equips a good idea? Perhaps I should loan it out? Forge? Start another NCB? Work with the 1.8 million MPR character I bought?

The truth is, I really want to get somewhere in this game, and fight with the big boys. I just wonder if you have any advice to help get me there?

Thank you for your time.

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] March 13 2008 10:00 PM EDT

Don't call them boys. They get peevish.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] March 13 2008 10:01 PM EDT

you could always run an ncb, just by ba at extra xp times and see where ya get all the while levelling a tat up for the high levels. if ya see ya aren't getting where ya want to be then quit buying ba entirely and save for the next one but have a larger tat to boot.
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