Banned Firesolved (in Public Record)

SNK3R April 2 2008 12:01 AM EDT

Extraordinarily Non-PG in chat.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 2 2008 12:02 AM EDT

trollish children need not apply

j'bob April 2 2008 12:06 AM EDT

Really? I just can't believe it. And I had such high hopes for him. It's just sad to see supporters acting this way.
Good job though Brent, I'm sure it wasn't an easy thing to do for you. If you need a hug... Vampire is here for you. :D

Sickone April 2 2008 12:13 AM EDT

One of the reasons I don't chatmail at all... I have a rather quick temper, and writing in the forum instead of the chat gives me enough time to cool down, and revise any "non-PG" words I might let slip.
Apparently, even the word that can describe a small pinch is considered non-PG, so I do have to cool down A LOT ;)

Sickone April 2 2008 12:14 AM EDT

Err, sorry, that was supposed to say "use the chat applet", not "chatmail".

TheHatchetman April 2 2008 12:33 AM EDT

Great... you've banned "our God"... now what?

Daz April 2 2008 12:45 AM EDT

"Apparently, even the word that can describe a small pinch is considered non-PG, so I do have to cool down A LOT ;) "

If you get banned for saying a word that is IN THE BOT CHECK SYSTEM, then there is something horribly wrong with the rules.

three4thsforsaken April 2 2008 12:54 AM EDT

Sickone, non PG words weren't the sole reason he was banned, I think the majority was the racist comments he was making...

Sickone April 2 2008 1:10 AM EDT

Eh, I have no idea what he was doing, like I said, I don't hang around in chat at all.
Well... everything is highly subjective, so I'll just withold any further comment :p

Wizard'sFirstRule April 2 2008 7:38 AM EDT

that just arouse my curiosity. What is the word that is suppose to mean a small pinch that is in the bot check system?

Daz April 2 2008 7:45 AM EDT


Sickone April 2 2008 7:59 AM EDT

Try with p and 5 letters.
And no, it's not in the bot-check system :p

[LittleRed]Calynne April 2 2008 9:01 AM EDT

I'm glad he's gone... from the moment he came into chat he was making some harsh comments and PMed me things too... and I didn't do anything to provoke him from what I'm aware of... o.O

BootyGod April 2 2008 4:19 PM EDT

Thank you, Brent.

And thank you drudge for the prompt /kill.

And I was his mentor. I have failed. Though I did send him a CM ^.^

Paddy Boy April 2 2008 9:25 PM EDT

Fun for the whole family!
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