I'm thinking that it'd be cool if people could temporarily disenchant items (with no cash return) and gradually increase them back to their original worth whenever they want to. This way you don't have to lose an investment in an item by disenchanting; you can just grow into it as you gain xp. Thoughts?
April 4 2008 1:20 PM EDT
Nice idea in theory but I would be against it.
If people wanted to start a NCB, all they would have to do is Temp Disenchant their items. No fun there.
Part of the NCB, if your a tank, is finding the right gears for your character.
Rentals will be quite busy now that armors count towards ENC.
April 4 2008 1:21 PM EDT
For the sole reason of being too cool and too useful, probably not going to get implemented ;)
I guess there could be some fee for using it.
April 4 2008 2:13 PM EDT
The disenchant/blacksmith or disenchant/forger fee difference sounds like a fair enough fee ;)
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