April 5 2008 3:08 PM EDT
I had 3410 earlier today.
April 5 2008 3:12 PM EDT
I have 6k back in the day of 1500%+ bonus. That was on two minions. Single minion would've netted me over 11k exp per fight.
April 5 2008 3:14 PM EDT
Mine was with Xp time btw. And a NCB
Yay! And I get 251 per minion during experience time... for being here for years and plugging away...
April 5 2008 3:25 PM EDT
My max during xp time is 244 per minion.
I seem to be behind the 8 ball. All my years of playing mean relatively nothing I guess.
I got 4444 today. 1111 per.
April 5 2008 3:45 PM EDT
XP (per minion) 6254
Challenge bonus 15%
Clan bonus 9.0%
NCB (xp only) 593%
Bonus XP time 60% more xp
and RoE
April 5 2008 5:54 PM EDT
And honestly, I think I've earned it! I been here for years too, and it was my choice to go with a NCB!
I'm not a particular fan of how large the bonus is (No way, Jon. You may want new players to compete, but it should be near impossible to BEAT the top player. Sorry. I'm not against competition but... Yeah... -_-)
April 6 2008 12:58 AM EDT
"NCB (xp only) 593% "
o.0 seriously ?!?
I have NCB (xp only) 438% and I started barely a couple of weeks ago !
This... this doesn't sound right, or is it ?
April 6 2008 12:59 AM EDT
Oh... wait a second... that's a remnant of the "superbonus" days, isn't it ? Phew...
April 6 2008 1:41 AM EDT
yes sickone. i had a bonus of 213% or something throughout most of my ncb.
April 6 2008 1:48 AM EDT
The sad part is the fact you got the low bonus when at lower MPRs, where you could have best benefited from a high bonus... and the high bonus only when approaching "the dead zone".
I mean, I only have to look at the growth rates you're experiencing now, with a higher % bonus, and feel kinda' sad already for what's in store for me soon too (bye bye fightlist of 100% challenge bonus only).
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