Missed Botcheck fine for NCB (in General)

Relic April 20 2008 10:18 AM EDT

Ok, I just missed two botchecks in a row and was imposed with an hour wait or a fine of $240K CB2.

That seems a bit steep. We are already paying through the nose for BA and upgrading of our items, why kick us when we are down with a huge botcheck fine?

IMO, there should be no difference for any character regarding the botcheck fine. N*B, or regular character's should have the same fine amounts at the same MPR.

bartjan April 20 2008 10:25 AM EDT

The point is that the fine *is* the same, regardless of what type of character it is. The fine is based on how much benefit you get from being able to fight/forge during that hour...

Sickone April 20 2008 10:41 AM EDT

Except that you don't get significantly more forging done or CB$ earned on a NCB... you can only get significantly more XP, and that's it.

Daz April 20 2008 10:53 AM EDT

Isn't it BA Cost * Amount of BA you stand to lose ?

Relic April 20 2008 11:02 AM EDT

I am in the 7/20 BA rate, so in an hour I would regen 21 BA.

My current cost for BA is 5,798. That only equals $121,758.

I have no idea where $240K came from. I think it is way too high.

Daz April 20 2008 12:01 PM EDT

Okay, so it's (BA Cost * Amount of BA you stand to lose) * 2

Thats not too bad, unless you're running an NCB :P

Usul [CHOAM] April 20 2008 12:11 PM EDT

I guess the reason why it's x2 , is because if you pay the fine, you are earning both exp and money. As opposed to the total lost of 21 BA. Also if it's such a fair price that you are earning back what you are supposed to, then it wouldn't qualify as a fine....

It's steep, but it's also a mechanism that wouldn't fail unless you are too sleepy or using a bot, at least for people who played for more than a week

AdminNightStrike April 20 2008 12:37 PM EDT

As I recall, DAWG was using a bot and just failing every check and paying the fine. So yeah, high fines are good.

bartjan April 20 2008 12:50 PM EDT

Nope, DAWG didn't do it like that...

Ulord[NK] April 20 2008 1:51 PM EDT

Do you happen to have close to full BA when you failed the bot check? The probability of a bot check actually causing you material loss is quite small... So be extra careful with the first 21 BA of a set of 160.

iBananco [Blue Army] April 20 2008 2:08 PM EDT

BA doesn't regenerate while you're fight suspended.

AdminNightStrike April 20 2008 2:43 PM EDT

bart, I thought you guys had said that he answered every bot check with "cccc"

bartjan April 20 2008 3:19 PM EDT

Not every. Enough to be noticed ;)

QBRanger April 20 2008 3:29 PM EDT

When we went to ba regeneration every 20 minutes, the botcheck fine doubled. IE rewards went up 2x as did cost for BA. However I do not think Jon programmed the botcheck failure for the new 20 min rate. It is based still on a 10 min rate.

Lochnivar April 20 2008 3:31 PM EDT

I wondered about that Ranger, it's just been so long since I got suspended I wasn't sure.

QBRanger April 20 2008 4:20 PM EDT

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