Editing Favorites...clan editing question (in General)

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] May 8 2008 11:40 AM EDT

Ok, so before anyone says anything, I know this has been brought up before Here

Initially, I was going to ask if that was correct, but in searching the forums, I found that answer. Now I would just like to know if the feature still works? Does it remove all non 6 point clan members? And shouldn't the text be fixed?

AdminShade May 8 2008 11:45 AM EDT

somewhat indeed, the feature still works with the new system but lists 'values' of the old system.

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] May 8 2008 11:54 AM EDT

Thanks Shade! ^_^

And I guess I can live with the wrong text as long as the feature itself works. But it may confuse newcomers...
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