MH vs. BoT damage (in General)

iBananco [Blue Army] May 16 2008 1:48 PM EDT

Approximately how much more damage does the MH do? Is it worth halving your dex-based CTH for that extra damage?

AdminShade May 16 2008 2:00 PM EDT

I think the most recent studies regarding this showed that the MH did more than 50% more damage than a BoTH of the same X value per strike against the same opponent.

Imo for this it is not worth halving your dex based CTH for the extra damage.

Draugluin May 16 2008 2:04 PM EDT

However, this is only for the first two hits, which might be a consideration. Also, its not halving, is it? Since its a reduction to 133% from 166%?

QBJohnnywas May 16 2008 2:14 PM EDT

In the long run the extra damage outweighs any penalties IMO. For the most part bigger is better.

iBananco [Blue Army] May 16 2008 3:09 PM EDT

Halve as in below the cap, it's 33% * ratio for the MH and 66% * ratio for the BoT.
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