MoD = Meritless, Obsolete, Despair? (in General)

VivaPinata July 5 2008 3:46 PM EDT

This subject might've been brought up before, but here it is again. The MoD sucks.

As a supporter item (in theory) worth $11USD, the MoD is lackluster. I mean on paper, the wiki stats don't look too bad. Second biggest base damage for one handed weapons, double damage against AS, ignores PL, unknown networth table and questionable forging times, and one of two high-end weapons that can be used with the SoC. But in practice, well...

Second biggest base damage for one handed weapons (75). Sounds tempting. Five points lower than the popular ELS (80), one point higher than a "my first weapon" katana (74), two points higher than the affordable and effective BoTh (73), and eight points higher than the wall-friendly Vorpal (67). Including the MoD's abilities, its base is a very nice number, right? Oh, wait, MoDs are supporter items? Really now... so that means, unlike ELS and BoTh, they should sell for more than 500k?

But again, there are the abilities that puts the MoD at the same level as the Vorpal. The Vorpal, if you're unfamiliar with it, has a nice effect of ignoring 50% AC and Endurance. Which makes it a solid investment against teams that have AC. And the strength of Vorpals only get stronger (I imagine) in the higher ranks where 50%-80% damage reduction isn't that uncommon.

In comparison, does the MoD come to that standard? Sure, it does nice damage against AS teams, and AS is a very common choice for an ED. Unfortunately, DM does the same thing, just more conveniently and effectively. DM instantly removes some AS health and from all four minions as opposed to the one at a time of MoD (I guess a person can argue that verses a single minion AS, MoD would work better...). And DM lowers that pesky "AS's BFF 4 Life" GA. A heavy MoD does the opposite. As for PL, I cannot really say. PL is either 1.) not an everyday strategy in the lower ranks or 2.) so pointless in the lower ranks that I've never noticed it's existence. I've never had a time where I was saying "aww man, if I only had something to counter PL, I would be winning all my fights." Maybe the situation is different in the higher ranks. If it is, then surely nobody cares enough to do anything about it.

As of now, there are exactly 37 MoDs in the game. Iメm even the proud owner of the 7th biggest... at 10k networth. So yeah, about that. I don't recommend looking at the "Most valuable items." The Big Five (six now, I suppose) weapons shun the MoD. The MoD isn't even listed in the wiki as a supporter item! It IS that depressing. In times like these, what any item needs is a good friend to count on... like the SoC, except the SoC has problems of his own and is too busy hanging out with Death [84x11000] (+250).

To summarize: The MoD sucks. Like wowzers suck. Of course, this is just my opinion. Please prove me wrong, and I'll be eternally grateful. :D

QBRanger July 5 2008 3:54 PM EDT

I would love to prove you wrong, however, I have 240M sunk into my MH.

Therefore I am NOT going to disenchant and enchant a MoD to 120M losing 120M in the process.

I think the special abilities of the MoD are outstanding and quite useful.

1) Ignores PL-great vs those heavy walls backed by a TSA/PL/HP minion
2) 2x damage vs AS. There is a lot of AS in the game and not eveyrone can use DM. Especially melee tanks who are the prime users of the MoD.
3) The SoC is garbage, plain and simple.

But, introducing a new weapon with special abilities this late into the game is always a crap shoot.

Those who have their weapons over 50M or so, will not disenchant and lose 50%, well most of us.

And others who have a stash of CB2, are missile tanks and do not need a MoD.

Perhaps in years we may see a MoD over 50M NW, however, I still think the VB fiasco is very fresh in people's mind.

This is why I really really wanted a weapon artist so we could see how the MoD works.

Especially during free unlearn time when mages had all the bonuses to try new things and tanks still were locked into their weapons.

TheHatchetman July 5 2008 4:05 PM EDT

It won't get proved wrong until somebody has the glass happy holidays tree decorations (trying to be as PC as possible here :P) to sink a heavy investment into it and build a strategy that is MoD-friendly.

It looks good on paper, and provided it works as advertised, this weapon gets chucked right up to second place of my favorite CB weapons list ^_^ The PL immunity actually is a big thing, and opens the doors for more character depth down the road if/when MoD becomes used often enough (Currently PL+GA = not such a good idea...). and while DM does do what you say against AS-using teams, it also prevents you from using AMF or EC to much effect... Not the most powerful of weapons, and certainly not as multi-purpose as the MH, but it will definitely earn it's niche in time :D

ScY July 5 2008 4:35 PM EDT

First of all, the MoD is not at all bad. It is a HUGE achillies heel to most mage teams, not to mention up at the top, an easy counter to characters like NWO that rely on AS for HP. Ignoring PL is also a HUGE, and when I say huge, I'm talking about hulk size proportions, a HUGE strat killer. No longer can a CoC team rely on a heavy tank, a PL battery and an AS minion, because a tank with a decently sized MoD will destroy that team in a few rounds.

To be brief, the MoD is the perfect melee weapon to counter mage teams (Although not necessarily the SFBM/RoBF types) as most mage teams rely on AS or PL to keep the mage alive long enough to do damage.

[RX3]Cotillion July 5 2008 4:55 PM EDT

Just thought I'd like to add that in order to get +70 on the MoD, it would be ~$6,280,523 NW.

VivaPinata July 5 2008 5:02 PM EDT

"1) Ignores PL-great vs those heavy walls backed by a TSA/PL/HP minion"
Yeah, there's that. I barely know anything about PL to be honest, but I get the impression (from your PL thread) that this is the only PL strategy. And while MoD is pretty good against PL'd Walls, a vorpal could probably do better. Say take advantage of the wall's reliablity on AC and milk the PL's spread damage?

"2) 2x damage vs AS. There is a lot of AS in the game and not eveyrone can use DM. Especially melee tanks who are the prime users of the MoD."
As soloing and melee tanks aren't generally used in the same sentence, I'm going to assuming that that tank is getting backed up by a mage or an enchanter. Who can grab a DM. Or EC, or AMF. I figure though if EC is the case, the point would be anti-tank or just to maximize your own tank's potential; for both cases, using a MH or VB would serve the same purpose better.

"3) The SoC is garbage, plain and simple."

"But, introducing a new weapon with special abilities this late into the game is always a crap shoot."
Yeah, people tend to have established strategies. Unfortunately, the MoD doesn't seem to do anything a MH or VB could do just as easily at the same price. Hatch mentioned something about the versatility which pure damage weapons like MH, VB, or ELS offers. Granted that the MoD is as good as it sounds, it will only be good against >10-20% of characters while everybody else just pounds you with their MH. -_-

VivaPinata July 5 2008 5:12 PM EDT

"To be brief, the MoD is the perfect melee weapon to counter mage teams (Although not necessarily the SFBM/RoBF types) as most mage teams rely on AS or PL to keep the mage alive long enough to do damage."
Mageseeker? MM? As of now, only 20.5% of minions train AS.

"Just thought I'd like to add that in order to get +70 on the MoD, it would be ~$6,280,523 NW."
Being the SMFB NUB who started just over two weeks ago, I have this to say: -_-?

Cube July 5 2008 5:32 PM EDT

"20.5% of minions train AS."
That's because people use it on four minion teams typically, so of course it's below 25%.

The problem I have with the mod is that though it counters PL, people use PL to take damage away from walls usually, which would make the VB more useful. People do use PL on AS teams occasionally without a wall, but that doesn't seem very common.

Sickone July 5 2008 7:13 PM EDT

Top 25% active users are really the only stats one should concern itself with, for more or less obvious reasons.

Out of those, 19% of minions have AS trained (a lot of the top teams are multiple minion teams, so that doesn't exactly say much), but only 14.1% of XP is sunk into it, while at the same time 17.0% Xp is sunk into raw HP.
Obviously, AS compared to raw HP is really not that much of a pupular choice.

As for Phantom Link ?
0.9% XP into it, considering most fights end in 4 to 7 rounds at most, with only 6.3% of minions training it... that's really downright pathetic.

Say waht you want, but the "bonuses" on the MOD really don't justify its cost (due to being a supporter item) or lack of base damage.
The MoD is so glaringly obviously inferior to the MH that it's not even funny.

QBRanger July 5 2008 8:20 PM EDT


That is one of the reasons I wanted a "weapon artist" this month. To be able to adequately test all the weapons and give nice data.

To really see if the increased damage of the BoNE is better then the leech of the MH.

Same with the BoTH and ELS.

To see if the new MoD is better overall or worse then the MH.

And to see if the base damage on the VB is worth its special ability. Compared to the damage or leech of the other weapons.

Just like mages have had the ability to do with their spells for at least 3 free retrain weeks.

For a mage it is quite easy to adequately test SG vs MM vs CoC this month. But for us tanks, we cannot just change our attack, and if we do, we lose 50% of its NW. One mistake in theory can cost 75% or more of the NW.

But to say the MoD is underpowered right now, before people can test it, is quite premature. You do propose an interesting theory, but in CB, plenty of "interesting theories" have been utterly disproved.

But I guess Jon has to keep some things a mystery.

So let us wait till someone gets one up to 50M or so, at least, before we can say an item in under or overpowered.

And remember, something overpowered at the lower MPR levels may be underpowered at the higher ones. FB and UC are 2 such examples.

[RX3]Cotillion July 5 2008 10:36 PM EDT

VivaLaVida, 5:12 PM EDT [collapse]

"Just thought I'd like to add that in order to get +70 on the MoD, it would be ~$6,280,523 NW."
Being the SMFB NUB who started just over two weeks ago, I have this to say: -_-?

In order to get a Mace of Disruption's Plus-To-Hit up to +70, it would add ~$6.3m NW to the weapon. I just threw that out there so you can compare it with the other weapons in the game...
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