I love the new score because..... (in General)

Lochnivar July 8 2008 8:20 AM EDT

.... I never thought I'd see my score higher than my PR!
Score: 3,229,935
Power: 3,226,834
MPR: 2,504,087

Also, I've some how managed to hit top 10 in score...

... maybe I should quit and go out on a high note!

RVT July 8 2008 8:23 AM EDT


Sickone July 8 2008 8:52 AM EDT

Well, when "succesfull" people start having scores at least 50%, preferably up to double their PRs even at top PR levels, then we know the perfect balance was finally reached and the dead zone is no more :P

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] July 8 2008 9:06 AM EDT


QBJohnnywas July 8 2008 9:11 AM EDT

I hit the top 15 this morning for about 5 minutes, and somebody else hit the top ten at one point. Again for about 5 minutes.

These new scores are making me dizzy.

Still, I've got positive challenge bonuses again. Which is something!

QBRanger July 8 2008 9:33 AM EDT

High score is great,

however, a few double taps drains the score faster then Lilo gets drunk.

Colonel Custard [The Knighthood] July 8 2008 11:36 AM EDT

/me anxiously awaits challenge bonus. Wouldn't that be something, eh?

My score's not quite higher than my PR yet, but it's over my MPR. That hasn't happened in months.
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