Wow..... (in General)

Tylan July 19 2008 12:59 AM EDT

Been gone a few months, decided to drop in and see what is new, and all I can say is....WOW!

massive changes to overall gameplay from what I can see, new items, some new skills, and some old ones gone.

Makes one nostalgic for the good ole' simple days of CB ;)

QBOddBird July 19 2008 12:59 AM EDT

We miss camping! (discussion in CB chat)

Sickone July 19 2008 1:18 AM EDT

Hey, I remember farming you a couple of monts ago :))
Changes ? Yes. For the better ? Partially.
At least score in the former dead zone doesn't suck so much anymore :P

New items are underpowered, new spell is overpowered if you make it to melee, weapon users still get the shaft unless they spend USD (I say that out of personal experience) thanks to (mainly) evasion and elven gear XP concentration, USD spending was only partially nerfed (in AC mostly, weapons are still mostly fine), RoBF was finally (slightly) nerfed, rest of changes (except the adjustment to the score system) are mostly irrelevant since they balance eachother out.

So.. welll... same old, same old... but with a couple of new tricks.

Lord Bob July 19 2008 1:59 AM EDT

"USD spending was only partially nerfed (in AC mostly, weapons are still mostly fine)"

With the Weapon Allowance nerf? No, not so much.

DrAcO5676 [The Knighthood III] July 19 2008 3:23 AM EDT

In 6/20 Weapon allowance is a thing of the past.... The PR you gain also helps to boost your overall score that you can hold... or gain at any one fight.... once you break your pr in score... you gain like 30 score per fight as opposed to 900

QBPixel Sage July 19 2008 3:34 AM EDT

Hey Tylan. I just came back too. Yes, tons of changes =P

Lord Bob July 19 2008 12:30 PM EDT

"In 6/20 Weapon allowance is a thing of the past...."

In 7+/20, it's not.

Sickone July 19 2008 1:04 PM EDT

N*B has a real chance of making it into 6/20 now :P

[P]Mitt July 19 2008 5:05 PM EDT

good ole' simple days of CB?

I miss the days when FB was Force Bolt and MM was Fireball.

(at least I think that's what they were called... the good ole' simple days)

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