Penalty of SoD PTH during melee? (in General)

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] August 10 2008 4:40 PM EDT

How much penalty does the SoD PTH take during melee rounds? I noticed I could hit some people in ranged with my small SoD but as soon as it turned melee I always missed them.

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] August 10 2008 4:47 PM EDT

it takes an 80% penalty to pth as well as dex.

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] August 10 2008 4:50 PM EDT

Why does it do that? >_<

chuck1234 August 10 2008 5:57 PM EDT

so that people can use a MH in melee [or some other melee weapon] instead of continuing with that ranged stuff

AdminShade August 10 2008 6:28 PM EDT

Why? Ever tried to hit someone with pebbles while they are turning around you? >.<
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