Question: Tattoos (in New players)

smccormack21 [Rising Phoenix] August 12 2008 5:53 PM EDT

Hey im a bit of a new player so what do tattoos do and where can i get then except in auctions?

AdminLamuness August 12 2008 5:57 PM EDT

Tattoos / Runes do different things depending on the item. But here is a good place to start: Tattoo Help

Blooderfly August 12 2008 6:09 PM EDT

I have a fire familair tattoo, if you would like to borrow it fellow newbie :) Send me a CM or reply here saying you would like to and I will send it

VivaPinata August 12 2008 10:52 PM EDT

They're kind of like... what's the word? Llamas, I suppose. Each has their own magical abilities. And owning one removes your cloak and chest armor privileges. ^_^
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