Weapons Allowance not dead? (in General)

Talion December 12 2008 10:01 AM EST

Wow! Long time no post.

The "weapon allowance is dead" thread suggests that only weapon PTH is supposed to affect PR. However, adding more x's to any weapon still increases character PR (... by a lot).

As was usually the case: Is there something I am missing?



Talion December 12 2008 10:03 AM EST

Never mind... just noticed that I added +'s, not x's. :P

QBJohnnywas December 12 2008 10:08 AM EST

heh, posting again?!?!

Yup, they're switched around these days. Confused me for a while too.

This thread is closed to new posts. However, you are welcome to reference it from a new thread; link this with the html <a href="/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=002c2W">Weapons Allowance not dead?</a>