To Novice And Friends (in Off-topic)

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] December 16 2008 2:37 AM EST

All you've done is complain. Someone does something you don't like, you start harassing them. Take the Raveshaw issue, it had -nothing- to do with Novice and he jumped in like its a life or death battle. Why? Because Rave said that Ops were starting to get power hungry and abusive of their powers regarding certain people? Its the truth. Its the reason I only pop into chat once in a while to ask a question and then pop back out. The way people are treated in this game is based upon their standing with those in power.

Welcome to the world of free speech. If you don't like what people are saying, then ignore it. We can say what we want, within moderation according to the rules based out when we signed up, and you'll just have to deal with it. Its not a world where those in power can make our lives a living hell just because they feel like it. And if you have an issue with my use of the word hell, or feel I should be fined, then hand out the fine to Novice and OB also for:

QBnovice December 15 10:32 AM EST
Next person to says this gets a trip to the hell where carping is the only form of communication, and Gun will be the tour guide.

QBOB December 15 11:19 AM EST
Next person to says this gets a trip to the hell where carping is the only form of communication, and Gun will be the tour guide.

...Finally, Gun and I can be together?

But of course, it won't matter because this isn't a world of free speech. This a world controlled by those in power and their friends.

You want to stop "crude speech, insults and trolling" but yet the only person trolling as of late has been you. And insults are part of every day life, especially so in a game. If you, of all people, don't have thick enough skin to take the petty insults people are throwing around on CB, where we're limited to what we can say, how do you survive daily life in the real world where there are no happy PG Limits?

Ya'll know me. You know I'm lazy and a good for nothing. But for god's sake, quit with the rampant whining and complaining as of late. Its gotten to the point where I'm thinking of asking for a Ignore Forums button for Changemonth.

BadFish December 16 2008 2:38 AM EST

Oh my GOD! Will everyone just SHUT UP ALREADY?!?!?!

three4thsforsaken December 16 2008 3:00 AM EST

how are they in power? They're not forcing anyone to do anything I'm pretty sure.

In fact, sometimes it feels that people actually agree with him sometimes.

BluBBen December 16 2008 3:03 AM EST

/me seconds 3/4

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] December 16 2008 6:25 AM EST

Three, I agree with him most of the time but as of late, he's been running around trying to start a personal crusade that is just getting on my nerves at this point. There is no way to even reason with him anymore.

Flamey December 16 2008 6:30 AM EST

"how do you survive daily life in the real world where there are no happy PG Limits? "

Most abusive and degrading insults that actually affect people involve no swearing at all. Profanities are useless, empty words. Descriptive language is much more insulting.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] December 16 2008 6:44 AM EST

"We can say what we want, within moderation according to the rules based out when we signed up"

Yes, everyone can.

Doesn't mean you should though.

Seriously, I've not really got involved with all this, I don't even go into Chat.

But, this is taking things way to far, and is becoming detrimental to the game, through it's community.

If anyone has issues, I urge you to CM/PM an Admin, if you can't sort it out mano y mano, and to let this nonsence on the forums die.


Lady Die December 16 2008 8:47 AM EST

I agree that this is becoming a major problem and becoming detrimental to the game via the community. If we can't all grow up, and I do mean 'ALL', then we should just remain silent. This is the holidays for Gods sake. Be nice for a change, will ya? Not everyone here that is getting dragged through the mulch wants to read this every five minutes. And i'm sure the new players are really *sarcasm* feeling welcome and overjoyed by the game and it's community when they are watching all the elders bickering back and forth over less than mundane things. I agree, there are some issues, but seriously, nagging and recreating posts just to have the last word is NOT the way to resolve the issue. If you have that big of a problem-- Take it to the admins.

PearsonTritonRaveshaw December 16 2008 9:54 AM EST

The following statement is a joke and an attempt at humor, and should not be taken seriously or offensively by anyone.

"If you, of all people, don't have thick enough skin to take the petty insults people are throwing around on CB, where we're limited to what we can say, how do you survive daily life in the real world where there are no happy PG Limits?"

He works for the gov'ment. If someone gets on his nerves, he slaps a "Hello, my name is TERRORIST" sticker on their shirt and hauls 'em off to some CIA prison in Puerto Rico.

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