NCB? Oh yeah... NCB ^_^ (in General)

TheHatchetman December 26 2008 2:05 PM EST

Going to be starting a NCB soon... Not sure exactly how to go about it, but I definitely wanna start with 3 minions and a RoE and eventually end with 3 minions and a tat :P

My idea is a SoD dude backed by two killslots... 100% of my XP going into the SoD dude until at least a few hundred thousand MPR at which point I'll learn a little DM on my enchanters before going back to 100% XP to tank. At about 2m MPR or so, I'd like to move away from the RoE and towards a tattoo (now that my tank is beefy! :D).

Any ideas on how I could better do this to maximize challenge bonus and end up with the biggest possible NCB (I will be spending money on this one! :D)

winner winner December 26 2008 2:13 PM EST

1. Use a named RoE
2. Save 1600 BA before you start

DoS December 26 2008 2:14 PM EST

3. Spending the 1600 BA during XP time. :D

TheHatchetman December 26 2008 2:29 PM EST

planning to have 1552 BA come Teusday, then planning to spend it, along with my daily purchasable 240 during XP time before work ^_^

Sickone December 26 2008 4:10 PM EST

Why not go solo up to ~300k MPR, hire two minions, train the DM from the purchased XP, continue with RoE from there ?

TheHatchetman December 26 2008 4:27 PM EST

Idea scrapped in favor of forging ^_^
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