Yet another Steel Skin thread. (in General)

Lord Bob January 24 2009 6:59 PM EST

Alright, I've been seeing a lot of negative stuff about the new Steel Skin, and so I want to get a bit of input and clarification before I decide to use it again.

I have three 20 HP enchanters who primarily serve to beef up and shield my main tank. Dispel Magic is not really an issue because of my RoS, so only the most dedicated DM users can touch me with it. Would it be worth the tiny XP investment to add a base Steel Skin to my main tank solely for the purpose of boosting the enchanters' defense? Or am I overlooking something that would make this completely worthless?

Rawr January 24 2009 7:05 PM EST

as long as you're not getting rid of a different ED that could benefit your team more, adding a base SS has no negative effects.

kevlar January 24 2009 7:08 PM EST

it just seems so easy for DM to dispell it, because you only have to invest as much as the top AC you have for full effect. Even with the RoS wouldn't DM nail it ?

Lord Bob January 24 2009 7:18 PM EST

"Even with the RoS wouldn't DM nail it?"

I think it would have to be a BIG DM, but that's why I'm here asking. I don't want to overlook anything.

I'm more worried about overlooking something that says my 20 HP-ers won't get the full effect because it's on my tank with tons of HP, or something like that.

Rawr January 24 2009 7:22 PM EST

i have base SS on my 900k hp mage but my other 3 20hp enchanters get the full effect from SS.

Lord Bob January 24 2009 7:31 PM EST

You know what?

It doesn't work with a Mage Shield, does it?...

Blast. I knew it was something.

Rawr January 24 2009 7:36 PM EST


three4thsforsaken January 24 2009 8:08 PM EST

how about SS not being dependent on trained HP like AP. All it does it penalize teams that train HP since AS gets around it.
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