Fatility's new strat idea for a fresh NCB (in General)

Fatil1ty March 13 2009 10:12 PM EDT

Figured I would run the numbers on my new idea for a fresh NCB potentially when my current one is finished.

2 Minionsナ.

1 minion is a TOA MSK tank 1/3-1/4 HP, almost ᄑ STR, and 1/5 DEX, and 1/10 AR
1 minion training 1/3 HP and 2/3 DM.

At 2.5M MPR you will have 5934746 lvls (71,216,952 exp) on each minon

Target stats are:
Minion 1:
HP: 1,000,000
STR: 3,000,000 (approx 5.5M after items)
DEX: 1, 000,000
ARC: 934,746

Minion 2:
HP: 1,500,000
DM: 4,434,746

Retrain the 2nd minion into all MM from DM
Resulting in:
Minion 2 Revised:
HP: 1,500,000
MM: 4,346,051

Hire 3rd minion for approx 20M
Reink into RoS and train base AS on 3rd minion and ᄑ str ᄑ dex with an exbow.

Results in added HP of about 3M in AS lvls so about 1.5M in HP per minion. Assuming a 6M lvl tat.
After hiring will result in about 2.72M MPR and will grow from there.

4th hired minion would be a GA only enchanter.

I reckon I could achieve 2.5M before 4 months of the NCB so the third minion would get a boost to either AS or STR with extra xp.


three4thsforsaken March 13 2009 10:17 PM EDT

MM is not worth it. You need the DM to deal with GA.

Rawr March 13 2009 10:43 PM EDT

From what I've seen on DM-users, you either go all in or not at all. Small DM's are only effective at knocking out a VA or something small like that.

Fatil1ty March 14 2009 12:11 PM EDT

that was my thought as well rawr. I figure that DM isn't worth it becaues I woudn't be able to get it large enough.

Does anybody know how big my DM would have to be for me to defeat say a 2M GA on an ROS team?

three4thsforsaken March 14 2009 4:34 PM EDT

of course your DM will get large enough, you have 50% exp concentration into it. Enchanter familiar teams do not have RoS to deal with.
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