Did the time format change? (in General)

{Wookie}-Jir.Vr- March 17 2009 1:13 PM EDT

Time is Tue Mar 17 13:12:43 EDT 2009

Since when is it in military time? Or have I just never noticed :P

BluBBen March 17 2009 1:14 PM EDT


Finally some European standards!!

Flamey March 17 2009 5:28 PM EDT

I thought it always did this..?

Wasp March 17 2009 6:02 PM EDT

Yeah times changed. So annoying. Missed EXP time and now this silly money time has started and it's not even worth me buying my ba now. Arghh. Bored now.

chaosal March 17 2009 6:06 PM EDT

but you mean the daylight savings time, right wasp?

yeah that's frustrating. i'm in arizona, so the US just shifted around us :P
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