MC upgrade curve lowered? (in General)

Flamey March 18 2009 11:44 PM EDT

From the wiki:

# +59 = $3,088,591
# +60 = $3,359,633
# +61 = $3,654,656
# +62 = $3,975,782
# +63 = $4,325,319
# +64 = $4,705,782
# +65 = $5,119,907
# +66 = $5,570,672


From highest items:

A Mithril Cuirass [36] (+68) worth $5,548,488 owned by three4thsforsaken (Single Minion)
A Mithril Cuirass [36] (+67) worth $5,110,355 owned by Herbstwind (Der Fuchs)
A Mithril Cuirass [36] (+65) worth $4,335,606 owned by QBBast (Dixie Cousins)
A Mithril Cuirass [36] (+61) worth $3,122,268 owned by Lurknivar (AngryFarm2)
A Mithril Cuirass [36] (+59) worth $2,650,446 owned by Dark Dreky (Bank DD)


Looks like the one AC boost lowered the curve a bit? At +59 that's almost 400k difference, that's pretty much 1 whole point, and at that level it's not too shabby is it..?

QBOddBird March 19 2009 12:02 AM EDT

Nice, it does appear to have had the curve buffed a bit. :)

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] March 19 2009 12:09 AM EDT

d'oh, i was wondering why i got money back on my 3 mc's with all the armor changes. all of the excitement over the tattoo issue made me forget about that though.

Flamey March 19 2009 12:10 AM EDT

Wiki time!

QBRanger March 19 2009 12:49 AM EDT

Anytime the AC goes up on armor, its upgrade curve gets easier.

And vica versa.

The upgrade on the BoE got much more difficult.

The EH got a bit easier if I remember correctly AC 22-24.

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] March 19 2009 1:04 AM EDT

We still won't use them. :(

Flamey March 19 2009 1:07 PM EDT

Yeah, EH curve got more generous. Gun they can be used on rather heavy CoC mages. AC is only more worth it if you're pumping ~10 mil NW into it. at 5 mil they're pretty similar AC and a lot less penalties.
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