Hand-drawn portraits v 2.0.1 (in Services)

chaosal April 27 2009 8:49 AM EDT

(continuation of 2.0)

No major revision, but the previous thread was mysteriously closed less than a week after the last post in it.

--Current Listing--

Completed: Standard Queue:
  1. Shadowsparkle -Next-
  2. LightningRaider
  3. Ernest-Scribbler
  4. Meso
  5. Shade
  6. Vaynard
  7. DH
  8. Hakai
  9. Kefeck
  10. Neo Japan
  11. Little Anthony
  12. Wasp
  13. PainKiller
Alternate Queue:
  1. Zenai -In Progress-
  2. Kat

chaosal May 6 2009 6:08 PM EDT

Trying to make progress on Zenai's piece, but my scanner is currently down. If it gets workable at some point today, I'll have the rest of the day to finish the pic, but I'm going out of town tomorrow for about a week and a half. Really sorry for all the delays, guys.

AdminTal Destra May 6 2009 6:11 PM EDT

Its all good man, all those players on the list are longtime players, i don't think time is of the essence.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 6 2009 10:30 PM EDT

/me cries like a baby

eh Im good things happen bro you can't control everything and when things happen in RL they take precedence over a game. Have fun on your trip!

Burton May 6 2009 10:36 PM EDT

All look really good, you got some talent bud.
This thread is closed to new posts. However, you are welcome to reference it from a new thread; link this with the html <a href="/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=002jgW">Hand-drawn portraits v 2.0.1</a>