Cheer Up Everyone... (in Off-topic)

{cb2}Dinh May 8 2009 10:54 AM EDT

...It's a Van Damme Friday!!!!


GnuUzir May 8 2009 11:26 AM EDT

Wow, things you cannot unsee =X

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] May 8 2009 11:31 AM EDT

JCVD is an awesome movie. Probably the only decent movie he's ever made.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 8 2009 11:36 AM EDT

I thought "In Hell" was pretty good too. He's doing like good wine and slowly getting better in time. :)

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] May 8 2009 11:36 AM EDT

I'm going to regret asking this but what the heck is that from?

Thak May 8 2009 11:38 AM EDT

Well i was happy due to it being my B-Day until i saw this scary image :)

Mesoshort May 8 2009 11:40 AM EDT

Happy birthday man ;D

{cb2}Dinh May 8 2009 12:57 PM EDT

Happy Birthday Thak ;) p.s. Sorry =)

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] May 8 2009 3:18 PM EDT

JCVD was freaking good. After Death is just as good, and I could even say JCVD acts better in that one. Go on, watch it!!

It's a shame I don't own any Van Damme movies to watch on this impromptu holiday. Maybe I'll settle for a piece of his philosophy on youtube.

Ryuzaki May 8 2009 3:23 PM EDT

you need Leonidas' head there.

Lochnivar May 8 2009 3:23 PM EDT

Am I detecting a lack of love for the brilliance of Bloodsport and Kickboxer?

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] May 8 2009 3:31 PM EDT

Of course not!

j'bob May 8 2009 6:03 PM EDT

Sadly, I can tell you that clip is from one of the breakin' movies. The first one I think.

kevlar May 8 2009 6:13 PM EDT


AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] May 8 2009 6:17 PM EDT

"Am I detecting a lack of love for the brilliance of Bloodsport and Kickboxer"

You want me to kick it? Like this! Like this!


JCVD rocks! Watch it even if you're embarrised by JCs earlier movies. ;)

{cb2}Dinh May 10 2009 2:51 PM EDT

Lol GL...good sport you are...BTW, Bloodsport was awesome!

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 10 2009 2:55 PM EDT

Lion Heart wasnt bad either :)

TheHatchetman May 10 2009 4:35 PM EDT

I knew a dude that was a limo driver for JCVD... Apparently he's a tool... :P
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