Dead Economic clans, remove them or not? (in Debates)

AdminShade June 13 2009 3:00 PM EDT

Alright now for the Economic clans. We currently have 141 while only 7 of them have made a revenue this week.

To extend even further, only 10 economic clans have made any revenue in the past month!

Why would I want to remove the others, not so much for cleaning up, but just because I'd want to clean up :p

AdminShade June 13 2009 3:01 PM EDT

even better: only 13 clans have made any revenue in the past year.

Which makes over 120 clans obsolete and / or dead.

AdminTal Destra June 13 2009 3:02 PM EDT

go ahead we forgers don't get a bonus like regular clans do

AdminShade June 13 2009 3:03 PM EDT

That's exactly my point. I don't see any harm in cleaning that lot up.

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] June 13 2009 3:04 PM EDT

Definitely, not even worth talking about this one. They don't get bonuses, definitely remove them.
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