Strategy Question (in General)

rockdiva42 June 24 2009 1:45 AM EDT

I am hoping to end up with a 4 minion team. I think that will work best. Maybe. Right now I have 2 minions. A tank and a mage. I am wondering if I continue this course and then hire helpers later will that work? I would love help as I have no idea what I should try to do here. I like the idea of having both the strong tank type and the magical mage type on the same team. Any strategy help would be great. Thanks.

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] June 24 2009 1:48 AM EDT

As far as strat goes I cant give much advise. However i will let you know the longer you wait the more it will cost for you to hire another minion. Some people are saving 30+million dollars for their 2nd minion.

Flamey June 24 2009 9:26 AM EDT

I used to do it, my "Ethereal Enchantress" used to be A CoC mage but I put a Mage Shield on it (means the DD went to 0) and found I won all my battles so I turned it into an enchanter. It shouldn't be too bad, you may try 3 minions so you don't get as much xp dilution. Basically you focus on your tank and have your DD as support, items for the mage don't cost much but buying items for a tank would probably suit you better and you'll see more of a reward.

Demigod June 24 2009 9:48 AM EDT

Check out my own character. It's the same situation you're talking about. I created a tank with a mage in the back. In the middle is a damaging familiar (carried by the mage).

My thought when I started the run was to beef up the "important" characters first, then buy up two enchanters for an ETME setup. Once I started to get the characters stronger, the cost of hiring dropped me down to a hopeful ETM setup, then back to not hiring at all.

The cost for me to hire a single expensive minion is over $19 million. With a tank in the team, that expense is asinine. Even with a NUB, hiring that minion would cripple the tank's gear's growth. It seems to be a choice of:

1. Hire four early on and have a heavily weakened tank (due to EXP dilution).
2. Hire a third minion before you get too large -- which happens faster than you think -- and run an ETM strategy.
3. Stick with a TM setup and put money into the tank.

rockdiva42 June 24 2009 12:37 PM EDT

Ok. Thanks for the great information. I might just have to go mage and a helper, or just tank and a helper, or something to that effect. This strategy stuff is confusing.

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] June 24 2009 12:41 PM EDT

I believe it is a good idea to grow your damage dealer/s big and then hire supporting enchanters. I would try to get a full tattoo asap.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] June 24 2009 12:42 PM EDT

simple is almost always better

I'd suggest going with a mage and an enchanter as tanks are hard to make real use of. Besides if I understand your goal correctly you'll need to focus pretty heavily on gaining concentrated XP (train fewer things).

QBRanger June 24 2009 1:00 PM EDT

I agree with novice.

Mages are very easy and cheap to run.

Tanks require money and at the higher levels, a lot of money.

Goodfish June 24 2009 1:04 PM EDT

Demigod, there is always the (overlooked) option of using a Rune of Enlightenment.

That is what I did. Hired 4 minions, RoE'd my future tank, and shoved about 500k mpr into him.

Then I switched to the setup I currently have.
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