3-Minion Strategy (in General)

Almaisky June 26 2009 7:06 AM EDT

I'm thinking of retraining my 3-minion team.

Right now it's

Minion 1: DM/GA
Nibion 2: AS
Minion 3: HP/MM and a steel familiar

This team's weak to both AMF and DM, which causes it to lose to pretty much all teams above 40% challenge bonus.

Would this work well?

Minion 1: PL
Minion 2: DM
Minion 3: HP/MM and a steel familiar

{WW]Nayab [Cult of the Valaraukar] June 26 2009 7:12 AM EDT

It would still lose to AMF, but it should give an advantage and against quite a few teams, just remember to train HP on the PL minion :P

Almaisky June 26 2009 7:31 PM EDT

Anybody else know how to improve my team?

QBRanger June 26 2009 7:46 PM EDT

Junction the SF to the 2nd minion. Use a set of NS and a HoC.

Use a CoI, NS, HoC, BoE on your mage.

Perhaps drop GA and boost DM as much as possible.

Rawr June 26 2009 10:12 PM EDT

As the numbers of minions rises, the offensive capabilities via minions is best through DM. Therefore I feel your SF should be your only damage dealer and that your MM mage should turn into an enchanter. I'd suggest AS to support your PL wall and your SF mage. This would help a lot versus AMF teams - if you'd like you can make your PL wall train AS as well, furthering its capabilities against AMF. or you can make that 3rd enchanter DM, weakening against AMF but going for an even quicker kill. in which case withthe DM I'd use a Halidon Familiar. It does more damage than an SF but is vulnerable to GA - with huge DMs, you really don't need to worry about GA.
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