strat advice (in General)

lostling August 22 2009 9:06 PM EDT

:) so.... can anyone give me some suggestions? :)

my main confusion are:

whether i should put banshee infront or bloodmage

how much PL should i put (give me advice like... as much as ROBF at your level... as much as FB spread damage at your lvl) not really looking for definite numbers

what else can i do to improve my build in general


i fully intend to add an SOD and MH on death lord when my enc can stand up to it

evasion will be upped when i find it worth it

bloodmage / death lord / undead summoner will be added with as much wall armor as i can get them

Rawr August 22 2009 9:14 PM EDT

AMF of some kind? It seems your team is weak against magic damage. .

lostling August 22 2009 9:23 PM EDT

DM =x

gols090 [forge of me] August 22 2009 10:07 PM EDT

DM seems more suited for quick killing teams, and four minion RoBF team is the complete opposite. Try AMF so that enemy mages (like me; RoBF and AMF makes me cry in a corner) are brought to a standstill. If DM is used, then enemy Decay *will* hit for full .5 effect at least once, which is very bad for your PL wall. I suppose you could move a 20 hp enchanter up to the front then.

Well, I hope that answers one question.

three4thsforsaken August 22 2009 11:00 PM EDT

Swap the PL wall with a 20 hp enchanter. That'll help against decay. You are quite vulnerable against mages. There is a lot of dilution going on here. I'm not quite sure what kind of people you are targeting.

So let me get this straight, you are getting 3 sets of wall armors? For what purpose?

Shark August 23 2009 12:08 AM EDT

"whether i should put banshee infront or bloodmage?"
IMWHO it won't make a difference

50% HP 35% PL and 15% Decay is what I have trained on my Sharky

If you could live without some of the armor and speed the purchase of SoD up and that MH ..instant help

I had evasion trained and It didn't do squat for me..that in itself is not unusual. Lots of XP into something I couldn't understand. Retrained

4 minion teams move slower than fruitcakes in the off season
and I'm thinking maybe you feel that tension of time running out already :)

4 minion teams IMO are not NCB material. They move too slow within the time frame we have unless you want to spend 5 million a week on BA...then they move slow and cost a lot too..they just going to be stuck somewhere in the middle when the NCB runs out..don't believe it, just look at all the 1 and 2 minion teams that run all over 4 minion teams with half the battles fought and 2 times your PR. BUT 4 minion teams are more durable in the long run with more options..Plus you dont have to hire multi million dollar weakling minions to carry on..

but with my novice skills and lack of common sense I think some ranged and melee damage dealers you be needing real soon :)

Shark August 23 2009 7:33 AM EDT

also I think you might want to try an MoD instead of the MH

The MH is weak IMO overall.The strenght you draw from it, unless its worth mega bucks, wont make any difference..2 handed melee weapons have 2 many penalties to overcome them cheaply and quickly

why do I like the MoD?

Primary effect: Does double damage against HP given by Ablative Shield.
Secondary effect: Ignores the effects of Phantom Link.

:) much better than the MH

lostling August 23 2009 7:19 PM EDT

1. figured that by the time i hit melee my PL wall would probably be out of HP... so it might provide a kill slot... (probably gona put it 2nd place anyway)

2. i figured that MH would be better as it would counter act GA + my heavy wall armor

Rawr August 24 2009 1:12 AM EDT

"Primary effect: Does double damage against HP given by Ablative Shield.
Secondary effect: Ignores the effects of Phantom Link.

:) much better than the MH"

Also means it takes much more damage from GA. However, if you're using DM, then I think Shark has a valid point with MoD.
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